For a while now, I’ve been using Google’s Temperature Sensors to tell my Nest Thermostat which rooms to focus on. They work okay, but they’re not compatible with Home Assistant, so I’m forced to use the Nest Thermostat app. I dislike this because it gives me very limited control, and managing sensor schedules is clunky. So I got myself a few Shelly H&Ts.
For context, I’m not a developer or much of coder in general, so I try to use the GUI whenever possible, but I can fumble my way through a bit of YAML. So my thought on how to do this is to create an automation for each H&T that tells the thermostat to start heat at X temp and cool at Y temp. I’d control the sensor being used by turning its automation on and the others off. I could then create a set of Dashboard controls to manage all of that.
This seems like an okay solution, but before I put all that work in, I thought I’d ask some advice. If possible, I want to do this in a way that allows for normal use of the physical thermostat. The way I described above would basically make readings on the thermostat useless, except when controlling temperature in its own room. Is it possible to have Home Assistant to tell the thermostat to show temperature readings from the H&T currently in use? Is there a simpler or more practical way to get my Nest Thermostat to play nice with my Shelly H&Ts?