I don’t have anything Nest, unless you count the Nest Hub which was the home Hub, but it seems some people are losing the ability to use their Nest Cameras with their MyQ garages for Amazon Key.
How about if you don’t already own one, don’t buy it. Try something like Honeywell or something not owned by big companies like Google or Amazon.
I personally would recommend Ecobee. They are great thermostats and are compatible with practically every platform and I’ve never had an issue with them with HA. They also are very committed to their customers especially if you are part of their VIBee program as they often ask for feedback for their products. It’s something very unique to companies these days.
I tried to register they wont allow developer account now, if you already have a developers account you may be able to add. If I can still get a developers account before the cut off would be good to know how… I wouldn’t have bought if I’d have known but too busy to do the usual research. Will have a look at the Wiser and Ecobee as suggested here.
Ecobee not good in UK it seems without modifications and extremely limited in availability, if any in UK from what I can find. Saw a site someone had emailed them but no plans to expand to the UK… a shame.
Can anyone confirm the Nest Developers pages work for them? Seems I have to use a Google Account to sign-in now which maybe is causing access to be denied.
When I try to access https://developers.nest.com/products I get redirected to their FAQ (https://nest.com/whats-happening/#faq-developers).
According to the docs I should still be able to sign up for an account, but that’s not working…
I’m in the exact same situation as you… seem my app ID and Secrets are now denied
I spent forever calling Nest/Google today, was transferred around a couple of times and had to callback after a dropped call, but I was able to talk with someone from Pro Support. They confirmed that they have received other reports of the Developer Console failing and were working to get an update from the right team. May get an update in a few days…
@jparsons Did you ever get a response to this? I’m in the same boat and lost my product ID and product secret :\
Thanks for the reminder - got busy with many other things last week and I forgot to call back for an update. And of course they didn’t call back as promised… My attempts to access the developer console still error with a 403 Forbidden at this time.
I just sat on the phone with Nest support for 30 minutes while they were trying to get me in contact with Pro Support. Then got hung-up on while they were trying to transfer me… They did call back a few minutes later, but then told me that they would hang up now and I would have to wait “up to 5 minutes” for the Pro support person to callback… Now it’s about 25 minutes later…
Just noticed I got an email update from Nest Support:
Regarding the Developers console, we are no longer using the Nest Developers and we have now move to a Google Console. If you are not able to access, please contact Google Actions Support as they are now in charge of the console.
And then they provide this link: Google Assistant | Google for Developers
Hopefully Home Assistant has some functionality around “Google Actions”, but I haven’t done any research on that yet.
Hopefully they will. Don’t know if the Google API will be the same. Sucks that I already have two products setup I just can’t get back in to recover the product ID and product serial. Called there pro support spent an hour, called the google support spent an hour. Seems to be a endless loop.
I have a nest pro installer account, and read on there that existing integrstions will continue to function but no new ones allowed.
In general, this shows the disadvantages of using closed systems. Lesson learned I hope.
I have my Nest set up through HA and have been using it for over 1.5 years now. I tried to log in to my account today for the first time in … forever… and I can’t find how to log in to the console to see my API keys, etc.
What am I missing?
I am just getting started with hass.io. I think the workaround for now short of buying a different thermostat could be to link your nest to IFTTT right now and then parse any triggers or actions through webhooks. At least Google has backtracked on shutting down link to IFTTT as long as you don’t migrate from work with nest to work with Google assistant.
I’m planning on reinstalling hassio soon, since I’ve been having alot of crashes and I’m not able to debug the issue. I’m planning on starting fresh and adding things from scratch instead of restoring from a backup. However since https://console.developers.nest.com/nl/auth/new just produces a 403 error now I’m worried I won’t be able to get a pin to connect to my exisiting account. Can I use the my old access token stored in /config/.storage/core.config_entries?
As of a few days ago, without making any changes, I’m suddenly getting this
Connection error while access Nest web service: Authorization Failed
2:41 PM components/nest/__init__.py (ERROR)
… and when I go to the Nest console I also get the 403-Forbidden error that others noted above. Seems like maybe Google decided to shut down the API after all?
@fmon I just checked, I’m still able to control my nest thermostat.
I hate myself for not be fast enough to catch some of the last developer keys. (i have Nest account for years…)
I wonder if there will be some kind of unofficial API (i saw something on github not directly related to HASS). I do like my Nest products (Thermostats for design, Protects for accuracy, not to mention the money) and don’t want to get rid of them, sadly i’m not a programmer.
Here’s part of a response I got to a series of calls and emails that wound up with “nest senior support team”… they seem to be saying that they’re going to completely shut it down. I’m still getting the auth failure on both my pi and my Mac mini.
Also I checked the links that you gently provided to us before, but I need to tell you that we’ll stop accepting new WWN connections on August 31, 2019. Once WWN functionality is available on the WWGA platform users can migrate with minimal disruption from a Nest Account to a Google Account.I know that you don’t want to migrate, but the functionality of the WorkWithNest will be affected.I’m really sorry to send you this news, but let us know if you have more questions.