Nest: You can only configure a single nest account

My nest disappeared a while back, and I didn’t have the time to fix it. Now that I’ve come back to it, I’ve done just about everything I can think of or find on the forums to fix it, and nothing has helped.

This is what I finally got out of the log once I turned everything to debug (which IMO shouldn’t have to be the case, but turning all the nest components to debug did not show anything untoward).

Here’s my entries:
component.nest.config.abort.already_setup’: ‘You can only configure a single Nest account.’, ‘component.nest.config.abort.authorize_url_fail’: ‘Unknown error generating an authorize url.’, ‘component.nest.config.abort.authorize_url_timeout’: ‘Timeout generating authorize url.’, ‘component.nest.config.abort.no_flows’: ‘You need to configure Nest before being able to authenticate with it. Please read the instructions.’, ‘component.nest.config.error.internal_error’: ‘Internal error validating code’, ‘component.nest.config.error.invalid_code’: ‘Invalid code’, ‘component.nest.config.error.timeout’: ‘Timeout validating code’, ‘component.nest.config.error.unknown’: ‘Unknown error validating code’, ‘’: ‘Provider’, ‘component.nest.config.step.init.description’: ‘Pick via which authentication provider you want to authenticate with Nest.’, ‘component.nest.config.step.init.title’: ‘Authentication Provider’, ‘’: ‘Pin code’, ‘’: ‘To link your Nest account, authorize your account.\n\nAfter authorization, copy-paste the provided pin code below.’, ‘’: ‘Link Nest Account’, ‘component.nest.config.title’: ‘Nest’,

(Note that I did re-save my nest application, which was supposed to generate a new popup, but no popup ever happened in HA)

Anybody have any suggestions please?