NestCam support

@pnbruckner, I’d love to see your code and learn from it. Could you PM me the files please?

Is the Nest Cam live on your HA page? I just got one set up and am confused as it’s only seeming to be a still image that’s updated every couple seconds.

Nest’s API, as I understand it, does not stream video. It only supports periodic snapshots. And the period depends on whether or not you have a Nest Aware account - faster with, slower without.

Having said that, I’m still on 0.69.1 with the polling implementation. Not sure if anything changed in this respect with the newer REST Streaming API that 0.72+ is using. @awarecan would know better.

Nest didn’t exposure video stream to us. Current Nest Cam stream in HA is fake stream composite by snapshot. If you have Nest Aware subscription, you got 10 pics per minute.

Nest provide a web_url in camera’s property, we can use it to open Nest website to view the stream. I already have it in python-nest, but don’t have time to bring it to HA yet. We have to implement a iframe based more-info dialog, lots of work, en.

Looks like someone got this to work w/ live streaming: and from the looks of things, it was NOT done by exposing stream publicly.

They are using unofficial API reverse engineering from Nest iOS App. python-nest the upstream lib HA is using have been move away from unofficial API for a while. I won’t make an U-turn on this.

If anyone has interesting to implement that, here is the repo,

Thanks for the reply. Really wish I was able to code this myself but not sure I cam (pun not originally intended, but type-os can be great sometimes).

I will point out the following from Google Nest - Home Assistant

The nest platform allows you to watch the live stream of your Nest camera in Home Assistant. (emphasis mine)

According to this statement, I purchased a Nest Cam. I’m sad to find out that the statement is misleading. @awarecan are you in charge of that statement? If so, since it’s misleading (wrong) can you remove that part?

No one in charge here. If you thought it was misleading, feel free to click Edit this page on GitHub on the top right corner of document page to correct it.

This statement was there long before I join the community.

I’ve done this – btw I don’t think it’s misleading, it is misleading. I harbor no malice towards you, and thanks for your great work; but the fact of the matter is, what we currently have is in no way live streaming.