Nested group picture?

Hi guys,

I have 2 presence detectors grouped into 1 group. This means that if at least 1 shows ‘Home’ the whole group does.

I have put this group inside another group called ‘Trackers’ to display as a card.

Now for my question - is it possible to give this nested group a picture rather than an Icon? the normal picture: /local/xyz.png throws an error, is there a way to work round this?

You should be able to change the picture of any item in the customize section:

      friendly_name: My Group
      entity_picture: /local/xyz.jpg
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Worked like a charm, thanks for taking the time to answer :slight_smile:

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@petro, @promithius

Is this still working? I can’t for the life of me get it to using the instructions above. Would someone be able to post a screenshot of how it looks in view?



where are you placing that configuration?

Hey @petro,

I’m using a split out customize.yaml

Admittedly I did try in my groups.yaml too. It didn’t like that too much :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, so you just can’t get the picture working? Are you using the item as a badge or as an item in a card? Are you using lovelace or the traditional UI?

Traditional UI with a group card.
I was hoping I could have a picture next to the group heading when I came across this thread.

Same use case as above, I’m using a group to determine home state based on phone BT and/or wifi.

May just have to make a badge with a template sensor for the summary with a picture

Yeah, that won’t work. The image will only appear if the item is a badge or inside a group as a single entity.

Yeah I was coming to that conclusion. Shame but thanks for the confirmation :slight_smile: