Netatmo camera and Nabu Casa

Hi all
I was not able to get webhook from my netatmo cameras. I guess I did all required:

  1. Register to Nabu casa - up and running
  2. Make Netatmo integration with cloud. success! all Netatmo components are present on HA camera streaming are received.
  3. Create new app on NetatmoConnect. Client ID and Client Secret created (NOTE: redirect URI and webbook URI left blank)
    It shows Webhook Status OK
  4. Configuration YAML
   client_id: "61xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5e5"
   client_secret: "QyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyFZ45"
  external_url: ""
  internal_url: "http://192.168.X.YY:8123"
   homeassistant.components.netatmo: info
  1. Webhook created in a certain automation Automation…
mode: single
- id: '1642010261139'
  alias: EntrataMotion Detection
  description: ''
  - platform: webhook
    webhook_id: mymotiondetectionWH
  condition: []
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.netatmo_entrata_motion
  1. Webhook correctly present on NABU CASA and Activated (I get the url and tested the url with curl -XPOST … it works correctly and I receive the webhook and the automation works perfectly.

Unfortunately I do not receive any webhook from Netatmo. Nothing on logs!!
Where I am wrong. How can I test the whebhook is registered?

Thank you

This port is not supported by Netatmo for webhook registration. Please read the documentation and use one of the suggested ports. I strongly suggest https/443.