I’m relatively new to home assistant. i’m on my way to completly switch from my old “FHEM” to Home-Assistant and so far everything workes fine for me.
But i’m struggeling with the Netatmo-Integration.
Maybe i tell my story and what i’m going to achieve.
I have several Netatmo-Outdoor-Cameras, which are integrated in home-assitant as well. so in fhem there is also an “integration” for netatmo.
I´m wondering if someone here got to manage the configuration of the camera behavior. In my case i´m trying to change the way movements are handelt by netatmo.
i try to achieve the following: switch between “record and notify” and just “record”. i can change this behavior in the netatmo app and was able to change this with fhem, but i don´t find a way to do this by HA. Also I did not find anything in the api-documentation.
Did someone face/solve this issue?