Netatmo Local Integration

Hi :wave:

I have a complete Netatmo Thermostat + smart valves system that I would like to add to home assistant. Netatmo server has been giving me headaches lately and I really want to add those Local with Home Assistant.

Is this possible? I saw some other topics with HomeKit, but I’m not a Home kit user. If so, Could someone redirect me to the documentation please?


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About 30 seconds of search found this…

Netatmo - Home Assistant.

Much less time than it took for you to write that.

I’ve already read that, but unless I’m missing something, that integration is cloud based as can be read at the top of the page.
“Cloud Polling”

I’m looking for a local integration, Could I use HomeKit integration even not being an Apple user?

Probably yes. I never tried that myself though but you should find users on this forum who do.

If anyone is still looking: You can use Homekit to access the thermostat and valves, but only the most basic control is possible (setting a temperature, reading the current temperature, changing the display unit, printing the valve number). There is no access to schedules, and notably no way to return to schedules/auto from a set manual temperature.