NETATMO problem after update HA 2021.4

Good evening all,

I had my Netatmo valves and thermostat working like a charm in HA after i got a developer account in Netatmo… till I’ve updated HA this afternon. Now they are inactive in HA and no data is collected.
I would like to know if I have to modify something in the config to make it work again.

Thank you very much.


Hey, I have the same problem, but then I realized, that Valves and thermostat also is not accessable via Netatmo app, and they state that there is some kind of problems. From their support site:

" For users of the Smart Thermostat and Smart Radiator Valves , this results in the absence of updated measures in the graphs.
There is no need to reinstall your Netatmo product(s) or application(s), nor to reset your Wi-Fi.
Thank you for your understanding and patience."

Could you check if Valves and thermostat is accessable via Netatmo app or via Netatmo Web portal?

As I cannot unhderstand - did something break locally for me, or did Netatmo broke something glabally, as nothing is accesable anomore. : :slight_smile:

Aaand its freezing cold outside.

Yes! in fact you are right. I’ve checked by the Netatmo app and it doesn’t work. I have a “!” symbol for each valve and for the thermostat.
It seems that is a central problem.
We will wait till they solve it.

thanks for your reply and look for hot clothes…we will need them tonight :laughing:

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Netatmo currently has issues.