Netatmo public weather - what are the rain sensors?

Hi all,

I just configured the Netatmo public weather sensors and wondering what the rain sensors exactly are doing.

I think the sensor “Rain last hour” is clear and it monitors the rain of the last hours.
But what does the sensors “Rain” and “Rain today” doing? Is that a forecast or the current “live” values?

Pour water on the rain sensor and see what sensors change value.

These are the public sensors of an area around my home. So, I don´t want into other peoples garden and manipulate their sensors… :laughing:

‘Rain Today’ is the total rainfall since midnight. It resets everyday at midnight.


Not sure what ‘Rain’ measures as it shows as zero for me. We have had rain this morning and it has recorded that 0.4mm has fallen since midnight.


You have a good excuse!
Anybody will have to accept “I just need to water your rain sensor”. :joy::joy::joy:

And of course you come with out a can or bottle.

I’ve just worked out what ‘Rain’ is measuring. It shows the amount of rain that has fallen at a specific time. If no rain is falling when you look at the sensor data it shows zero. If rain is failing at that time it shows you the amount that has fallen.

Here is the history of ‘Rain’ for the last few hours. You can see it records the amount of rain falling at specific times.

Here is the data from ‘Rain Today’ for comparison.

This records the total rain fall over the day and resets at midnight.


Great! Thank you!
Then I think I will try it with the “Rain” entity to build my watering system.