Hello, I am writing this post because I need your help with a problem where the solution has to be bulletproof.
I have recently installed a rain sensor from “Netatmo” with the corresponding integration. I also get the data as the integration envisages.
Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with the entities as they are provided.
I get the following entities:
Precipitation (Shows the precipitation as soon as it has occurred and then resets to zero)
Precipitation last hour
Precipitation today
All reset to zero.
Now I would like to have an entity in which the precipitation is formed in such a way that I can display the precipitation of the current hour, the current day, the current month and the current year.
I thought it might be an idea to count the amount of precipitation coming down in relation to time for the “Precipitation” entity.
I had thought of a helper but I know that a utility metre can’t do that. But how else would you do it?
How can I manage this so that there are no errors in the long term?
Thank you in advance and I am of course available for any questions.