NETATMO receives commands but does not send states

Should mention that I’m using Nabu Casa to connect to my HA :slight_smile:

Does that make it easier or do I still need to open my gates on port 443 to my HA instance?

BTW, my log does not show anything related to NetAtmo. Only a few lines regarding unsupported custom components (I’ve set my logger to show only warnings and up)

Tobi. To follow up our personal conversation. I am still waiting for the update but would love to be helpful, if I can. I currently created workaround around the bug causing the unexpected behavior that setting a valve to schedule sets all valves to schedules (regardless to opened doors) by creating a time pattern automation that checks whether doors are open or not. This workaround of course cancels any other boosts in other rooms that are not related to opened doors, so it is not perfect.

When it comes to lags @KBrygger is talking about. We tried to set it up properly but it does not keep for a long time. My thermostats are literally unusable, so I use netatmo interface and HA automations. Can we be helpful here?

If you’re using Nabu Casa than you don’t need to care about ports and reverse proxy.

Check that your config has:

    homeassistant.components.netatmo: info

I’m sorry for the delay, life is pretty busy currently. I’ll PM you on this topic to keep stuff together. Thanks for the reminder.

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That is another advantage of supporting the HA team. Using Nabu Casa is just so much easier and also help funding the development. Can only encourage everybody to do it.

Will add that to my logger settings right away.

Oh, also I’d be glad to help out if you need testers or any other things to further develop this integration.

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OK… I hope I’m not taking up all of your time.

Just restarted HA, this is what is shown in the log:

2021-01-08 09:27:57 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo] Register Netatmo webhook:
2021-01-08 09:27:57 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Netatmo webhook successfully registered

(x’es are to hide my true webhook of course)

To me it looks good. But still I cannot see the on/off button on the card and the flame/heating icon does not change when clicked. However it registers if I click it but with a little longer delay.

Do you use another card than the default in Locelace?

The on/off button is only available for thermostats, I assume you have valves, is that correct?

Just to add to this discussion, this is my log:

2021-01-08 09:37:22 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo] Register Netatmo webhook:
2021-01-08 09:37:22 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.data_handler] Netatmo webhook successfully registered
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That is true.
OK, then it makes sense but still I’d like the icons to react and show the correct state. But that might not be the case for valves :frowning:

I guess my integration is working fine then. That makes me want the thermostat even more LOL

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About the flame icon not reacting, I am preparing a fix for that.

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