Netatmo Sensor decimal places

The Netatmo sensor values look like this:

6.7999999999999998 °C
19.100000000000001 °C

Templates or decimal_places don’t seem to work:

  friendly_name: Innen
  value_template: "{{ value | round(2) }}"`

How can I shorten the display of the values?

Hm, my sensor readings from Netatmo show only one decimal place (HASS and iPhone app).
I did no customization.
This, of course, does not help you :wink:

Maybe you can try this:
value_template: ‘{{ “%+.1f”|format(sensor.netatmo_innen_temperature) }}’
friendly_name: Innen
unit_of_measurement: ‘°C’

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Unfortunately this also doesn’t work.

I can change unit_of_measurement to anything, but it seems that value_template is not supported by the Netatmo sensor.

I also updated the firmware of the Netatmo base station, but to no avail.

works with ‘{{“%+.1f”|int(states.netatmo_innen_temperature.state) }}’

Doesn’t work:

  friendly_name: Innen
  value_template: '{{"%+.1f"|int(states.netatmo_innen_temperature.state) }}'

Looks like value templates are not supported by the Netatmo sensor

After countless tries I had finally success with

- platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.netatmo_innen_temperature.state | multiply(1) | round }}'

without multiply(1) the template won’t work, and round(1) or round(2) is not working either

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