Netatmo Smoke Alarm HA support

Set up the bluetooth proxy on an ESP32, getting multiple BT entries in the logs, but zero things actually identified, just a lot of temp mac addressing and additional info that I have no clue what to do with, have not been able to resolve any vendors or anything from that data, is this expected?

Probably bad esp32, I have 3 different types and can only get one of them to control/find anything, this one:

Hey all,

I too experimented with this, on an ESP32-doit dev kit v1.

I found out that:

  • if I try to map the BLE functionality on a node that also has a one-wire temperature sensor active the BLE does not detect devices.
  • if I map the BLE functionality alone with no other functionality enabled the ESP32 does detect MAC addresses over BLE.

The smoke detectors are then displayed as a ā€˜homekit deviceā€™ that needs configuration.

Then you need to fill in the ā€˜coupling codeā€™ which is on the back of the smoke detector in the format XXX-XX-XXX (with the dashes in the code, those dashes are not on the label at the back of the detector).

Finally, the detector is then activated as a homekit device showing the device state, a button where you can click on to identify a detector, and the battery level.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

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Would it be possible to copy your ESPHome code here as reference (assuming that is the way you control the ESP32)?

Sure Bas, here you go:

    name: "ble-ap-zolder"
  board: esp32doit-devkit-v1
    type: arduino
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: !secret ble-ap_zolder_key

  password: !secret ble-ap_zolder_password

  ssid: "WiMCA"
  password: !secret wifi_password
  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "ble-ap_zolder"
    password: !secret fallback_wifi_password


    interval: 1100ms
    window: 1100ms
    active: true

  active: true

Thanks Lieven!

Unfortunately it seems it is still not working for me, so I was wondering:

  • Are the smoke sensors already adopted in the Netatmo app when discoverable for Home Assistant?
  • Are you using the Homekit integration in any sort of way to get them into Home Assistant?

OK, solved :sweat_smile: It seems quite sensitive to the hardware used. The ESP32 board shown below just doesnā€™t pick up a Netatmo smoke sensor, although it is able to connect to my toothbrush over BLEā€¦

The ESP32-S board shown below immediately picked up the Netatmo smoke sensor as a Homekit device in Home Assistant and after entering the pairing code it was adopted. Could not be easier!

To answer my questions from my previous post:

  • Are the smoke sensors already adopted in the Netatmo app when discoverable for Home Assistant?
    => Yes
  • Are you using the Homekit integration in any sort of way to get them into Home Assistant?
    => Not necessary to have it auto-discovered

You can send a soundtest with the home and security app.
Select your smoke detector, long press it and you get three options, one is sound test.
That event can be seen in events - listen to netatmo_event

Used type: sound_test for testing of the automation, later I changed that to type: smoke. However I would like to fire an alarm, I guess inviting my smoking neighbour could be a possibility.

Can you point me how to install or use webhook events?

I found it on my own. But if I want to turn all my lights on what event type should I use? Smoke?

alias: test
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: netatmo_event
      type: sound_test
condition: []
  - service: scene.turn_on
      entity_id: scene.living_helder
    metadata: {}
mode: single

Hi, do you have the Netatmo smoke webhooks working without HA Cloud? But you have your HA instance accessible from the web?

I have 4 of them and want to integrate it in my HA using webhook.

who can tell me, how I connect the smoke alarm with esp 32 I have a AZdelivery esp 32 and the esp home bluetooth proxy is work but I donā€™t find my smoke alarms. can somebody tell me from A to Z???

Hi everyone, @hollie, @HanSyt I did what you described and everything worked like a charm.
There is just 1 problem - when I add these alarms directly to HomeKit I can test them and see regular tests in Netatmo Security app. But when connecting these Smoke Alarms to Home Assistant directly via Bluetooth Proxy I donā€™t really see how to add them to Netatmo Security app to be able to test siren, etc.

Did you manage to solve this? Any recommendation how to get this final missing piece done? Would really appreciate your help.

Thanks for the info, Iā€™ve tried two different ESP32 boards now and neither work (the one is the exact one you had trouble with). I found a local place that sells the NodeMCU one and itā€™s on its way, hopefully will have better luck with it.

This is the other one that didnā€™t work:

Does anyone know if the Bluetooth option is still working?

I got my replacement ESP32 in today, the one confirmed working above but I still donā€™t see it getting detected.

Does it matter that itā€™s already been set up in Homekit?

No idea how you got this to work. I have a bluetooth adapter (active) on my HA and I have an ESP32 runnung BT Proxy ā€¦ Netatmo (nor any other BT device) gets picked up ?

Has anyone gotten the Netatmo NA-NSA-EC Smart Smoke Detector to work succesfully with Home Assistant? Im reading that communication via webhooks is a possibility, anybody here with up-to-date experience on this matter?

I used this automation to catch the smoke detector test:

alias: Smoke detector alarm
description: Smoke detector webhook event
mode: single
  - event_type: netatmo_event
      type: sound_test
    trigger: event
conditions: []
  - data:
      message: >
        Smoke detector {{["data"]["event_type"] }} detected
        {{["data"]["home_name"] }}
      title: Netatmo event
    action: persistent_notification.create

Obvously itā€™s hard to test ā€œreal firesā€, but I think this is good enough.

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Hey, thanks for your reply! Did you need a hub for this at all or just using a phone app, how are you getting the webhook connected to HA? Are you able to reproduce the alarm if you run this automation?

Or this

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