Netatmo Temperature Notification on mobile APP

Hi Guys!

I need your help to solve a problemi with my Home Assistant setup.

I’m new on this “product” and I have a lot of problem with Mobile App Notification.

I have a Netatmo outdoor temperature sensor and I want to receive a notification on the APP if the temperature is higher than 20°C (for example).

So, follow some example found in internet I have create the following code:


- alias: Notifica superamento soglia temperature esterna
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.netatmo_groppello_sala_modulo_esterno_temperature 
    above: 20 


#Notifica Cellulare
  - data_template:
      message: Temperatura Esterna sopra i 20C 
      title: Casa
    service: notify.notify '''

If I press on TRY AUTOMATION I can receive the notification on my iPhone, but if I live the automation active I never receive the notification.

This code is in “packages” folder in a file with .yaml detention.

Can you help me?