Netatmo Weather station connection unreliable

For a few days (actually after upgrading to 0.93), my Netatmo sensor connection has been very unreliable.
After a restart of HassIO, everything works for a while until no netatmo data will be received anymore.

In the picture, the history of a netatmo temperature sensor shows when I restarted. The lines indicate no new data.

How could I troubleshoot?

You could start by rolling back to v0.92.x and see if the reliability returns. If it does that’s pretty damming for v0.93. If it doesn’t then you need to look elsewhere. Like battery level, interference, etc…

I think this should be fixed in the next release

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I have exactly the same issue, I guess something is buggy in 0.93.1, hopefully it’ll be fixed in the next update.

Me too - just stumbled across this thread as I noticed I was having issues for the last few days - I thought it was only me.

A restart of HA enables Netatmo weather for a while, then after a random period it stops updating. Happened since 0.93. I’ll pop over to github to see if it is logged as an issue - if not I;ll attempt to myself :slight_smile:

EDIT: Been logged here:

Hi, are any of you still having Netatmo problems since 0.94? Mine seems the same, connects for a while and then flatlines.

Yes, the issue is not resolved for me in 0.94.
Same problem as before

Unfortunately since 0.94.0 I seem to be adding components etc every day so haven’t managed to check if it stays up. In Beta though it did fail after a few hours.

The next release (0.95) contains a few Netatmo related changes which hopefully remedy at least some of the issues.

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0.95.2 is out and ships with the mentioned fix. Please report your experiences.

is this real fixed ?
i have the same problem with 99.3