Netatmo weather station - only 1 device detected

I installed the third party integration of netatmo to integrate the weather station. On the documentation it states that "Configuration of Netatmo public weather stations is offered from the front end. ".

So I ‘added’ a device, and got some readings. I cannot tell from the values which readings they are, but looking at the values, it surely must be the one from outside.
I cannot manage to get the values from the indoor device. Adding a second device by creating a second area does ‘add’ a device, but the values as seen on the frontend are identical. So I gather I added a virtual second device and am reading the values from the outdoor again.

Is there any help on how to gather and distinguish the two devices?

Worth mentioning as well is the fact that the temperature is not the temp of the device, or at least far off the temp as shown in the app.

Public weather stations are the ones shared by other and made publicly available by Netatmo.

Here are the basic steps to use multiple of them in HA:



Not I completely understand what you are missing or what the issue or your expectations are though.

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Thanks for reaching out.

I misunderstood the documentation and assumed that one could pull the entities using the front-end. I have an outdoor and indoor weather device and want the entities from both these devices.

I now assume that one has to config the yaml to get the values and enable the webhooks in the dev section of Netatmo. Documentation for someone like me with little knowledge and new to the system is somewhat too short.

I makes sense now I understand that it all passes through the cloud and one has to go through that to get it working. Will try to find some guide on the documentation page, pointers are surely welcome.

For your own devices you shouldn’t have to do anything as they are supposed to be auto-discovered once the integration is set up.

Thanks again.

Well, I’ll have to dig into it then, for I cannot see anything through the auto-discover. I cannot see anything coming up in the devices nor in the entities.

One doubt, I follow these steps but I don’t see any new entity for the public stations. What is expected to be added?

Solved. After restarting homeassistant, the entity has appeared.

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