Can someone confirm that Netgear_LTE component no longuer works ?
I was using it until 0.7x, worked fine, but now it doesn’t …
Can someone confirm that Netgear_LTE component no longuer works ?
I was using it until 0.7x, worked fine, but now it doesn’t …
It works for me.
Humm strange, … still not able to have it working. Is there particular things to do ?
“It does not work” is hard to work with. Tell us what you do, what you expect to happen and what happens instead.
Here is the error message.
2018-12-21 00:40:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte.py”, line 115, in _setup_lte
await _login(hass, modem_data, password)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte.py”, line 132, in _login
await modem_data.async_update()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte.py”, line 56, in async_update
information = await self.modem.information()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py”, line 59, in wrapper
return await function(self, *args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py”, line 208, in information
result = self._build_information(data)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py”, line 176, in _build_information
result.upstream = data[‘failover’][‘backhaul’]
KeyError: ‘failover’
2018-12-21 00:40:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.rest] Got non-ok response from resource: 404
2018-12-21 00:40:23 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
That will need some investigation. Please file a GitHub issue, filling in the entire template. Feel free to tag me.
I have a Netgear Nighthawk M1, and I’m getting another error, which seems to indicate some faulty configuration:
2019-10-08 13:48:22 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netgear_lte] Could not connect to Will keep trying
2019-10-08 13:48:22 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2019-10-08 13:48:22 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2019-10-08 13:48:53 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.
2019-10-08 13:48:53 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.
2019-10-08 13:49:11 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte/__init__.py", line 318, in _update
await modem_data.async_update()
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte/__init__.py", line 145, in async_update
self.data = await self.modem.information()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py", line 62, in wrapper
return await function(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py", line 270, in information
data = json.loads(await response.text())
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/__init__.py", line 348, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/decoder.py", line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/decoder.py", line 353, in raw_decode
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 670 column 1 (char 10480)
My config (in Hass.io) looks like:
- host: ""
password: "REDACTED"
- usage
- sms
- wire_connected
- mobile_connected
That model is unfortunately not tested so it is unsurprising if it does not work.
@amelchio I just wanted to update this thread by saying that after many and long hours of trying to understand python and that code, I found two bugs responsible for this modem not working. One seemingly because the modem no longer sends a certain part of a dictionary of strings from “modem information”, and the second because of a bad date format pattern, that put a day value into a month parameter: if month > 12 = boom.
For never having worked in python before, I’m pretty happy. So, thanks for inspiring/pushing me! Now I (hpefully) don’t have to buy an older modem to do what I need.
I currently have no idea how to contrinute this back to the code base, but I’ll first try and run it in my Home Assistant instance (if I can?) and then see if I find something else.
@overr That’s awesome! Feel free to file issues or PRs at https://github.com/amelchio/eternalegypt and I will help to get it into Home Assistant.
Hi there,
I see that you managed to get your M1 working. Could you spare some time explaining?
I’m 0 at python and have a basic knowledge in coding. I have HAss since 2 days and the most important task I need to perform is track my Netgear M2 temperature. My router is on a hermetical box screwed to a tree next to my directional antenna. This is the only way I gen an “ok” connection, now around 25/10.
Untill now I can see temperature by webui or I found this page that allows me to see it. But I’m unable to get either the netgear_lte to work, or also tried Rest but I don’t have the needed info.
My source code is the standard, I have to say I’m surprised though there’s only host and password, no user.
The Netgear_lte returns this error;
2020-05-03 19:31:32 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of netgear_lte is taking over 10 seconds.
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netgear_lte] Lost connection to
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
@neolamb Hey. There is no username when the component authenticates, so that’s as it should.
The error probably has more, like a stack of python errors or something, in the log files. That could tell you what’s going on.
Make sure you have a late version of Home Assistant though, because we fixed a bug for that router in Nov, and it got pulled in and released somewhere around the new year.
Basically, we need more data from the logs/error.
Edit: Also;
I think I got this working I have no errors in my logs question is what specifically is it supposed to be doing? I don’t see any kind of UI or any kind of outputs does anybody have a quick explanation
Hi all,
Is this integration still maintained ?
I can’t make it work with a Netgear M2 4G router
There is no sensors available in the entity section of HA…
Please help
Thank you!
HA config:
Netgear_lte logs:
2023-03-12 09:55:36.869 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netgear_lte] Lost connection to
2023-03-12 09:55:36.931 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet: None; Retrying in background in 30 seconds
2023-03-12 09:55:36.941 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet: None; Retrying in background in 30 seconds
Logger: homeassistant
Source: components/netgear_lte/init.py:149
First occurred: 10:36:49 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:37:01
Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte/init.py”, line 312, in _update
await modem_data.async_update()
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netgear_lte/init.py”, line 149, in async_update
self.data = await self.modem.information()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py”, line 73, in wrapper
return await function(self, *args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/eternalegypt/eternalegypt.py”, line 280, in information
data = json.loads(await response.text())
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/json/init.py”, line 346, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/json/decoder.py”, line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/json/decoder.py”, line 353, in raw_decode
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 673 column 1 (char 10195)
Eternalegypt logs: (removed sensitive info)
2023-03-12 09:55:35.597 DEBUG (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] Token: XXXXXXXX
2023-03-12 09:55:35.637 DEBUG (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] Got cookie with status 204
2023-03-12 09:55:35.597 DEBUG (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] Token: XXXXXXXX
2023-03-12 09:55:35.637 DEBUG (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] Got cookie with status 204
2023-03-12 09:55:36.042 DEBUG (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] Failed to read information (‘wanConnected’): {‘custom’: {‘lastWifiChan’: 13, ‘dsaLocalUrl’: ‘https://m2login:443/dsa’, ‘hiddenMenuEnabled’: False, ‘hideAdminPassword’: False, ‘carrierSim’: ‘Unknown’, ‘end’: 0}, ‘webd’: {‘adminPassword’: ‘**************’, ‘ownerModeEnabled’: False, ‘hideAdminPassword’: False, ‘hintNumber’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘lcd’: {‘backlightEnabled’: True, ‘backlightActive’: False, ‘inactivityTimer’: 60, ‘inactivityTimerAC’: 60, ‘inactivityTimerUSB’: 60, ‘brightnessOnBatt’: ‘Bright’, ‘brightnessOnUSB’: ‘Bright’, ‘brightnessOnAC’: ‘Bright’, ‘brightnessOnBattIntVal’: 5, ‘brightnessOnUSBIntVal’: 5, ‘brightnessOnACIntVal’: 5, ‘backlightOverride’: ‘Off’, ‘lockScreenEnable’: False, ‘lockScreenUsePin’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘led’: {‘end’: ‘’}, ‘sim’: {‘pin’: {‘mode’: ‘Disabled’, ‘retry’: 3, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘puk’: {‘retry’: 10}, ‘mep’: {}, ‘phoneNumber’: ‘336####’, ‘iccid’: ‘8933######’, ‘imsi’: ‘208###########’, ‘SPN’: ‘Free’, ‘status’: ‘Ready’, ‘sprintSimLock’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘sms’: {‘ready’: True, ‘sendSupported’: True, ‘sendEnabled’: True, ‘unreadMsgs’: 1, ‘msgCount’: 3, ‘msgs’: [{‘id’: ‘3’, ‘rxTime’: ‘12/01/22 11:21:27 AM’, ‘text’: ‘Idée de CADEAU ORIGINAL chez BODYFLOAT, partenaire de POINT SOLEIL, voir ici : http://1mf.eu/rBwbDB . Nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fetes. STOP SMS 36184’, ‘sender’: ‘BodyFloat’, ‘read’: False}, {‘id’: ‘2’, ‘rxTime’: ‘05/09/22 02:11:34 PM’, ‘text’: ‘Messagerie “666” Free: le 09/05 à 16:11, ce correspondant a appelé 1 fois sur votre mobile sans laisser de message’, ‘sender’: ‘+33######, ‘read’: True}, {‘id’: ‘1’, ‘rxTime’: ‘05/03/22 11:51:10 AM’, ‘text’: ‘Messagerie “666” Free: le 04/05 à 12:09, ce correspondant a appelé 2 fois sur votre mobile sans laisser de message’, ‘sender’: ‘+33####, ‘read’: True}, {}], ‘trans’: [{}], ‘sendMsg’: [{}], ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘session’: {‘userRole’: ‘Admin’, ‘lang’: ‘en’, ‘hintDisplayPassword’: ‘’, ‘secToken’: ‘SU54R#######’, ‘clientIP’: ‘’, ‘supportedLangList’: [{‘id’: ‘en’, ‘isCurrent’: True, ‘label’: ‘English’}, {‘id’: ‘ar_AR’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘العربية (Arabic)’}, {‘id’: ‘de_DE’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Deutsch (German)’}, {‘id’: ‘es_ES’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Español (Spanish)’}, {‘id’: ‘fr_FR’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Français (French)’}, {‘id’: ‘it_IT’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Italiano (Italian)’}, {‘id’: ‘no_NO’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Norsk (Norwegian)’}, {‘id’: ‘pl_PL’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Polski (Polish)’}, {‘id’: ‘fi_FI’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Suomi (Finnish)’}, {‘id’: ‘sv_SE’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Svenska (Swedish)’}, {‘id’: ‘tu_TU’, ‘isCurrent’: False, ‘label’: ‘Türkçe (Turkish)’}, {}]}, ‘general’: {‘defaultLanguage’: ‘en’, ‘PRIid’: ‘23114195’, ‘activationDate’: ‘0’, ‘genericResetStatus’: ‘NotStarted’, ‘reconditionDate’: ‘0’, ‘manufacturer’: ‘Netgear, Incorporated’, ‘model’: ‘MR2100’, ‘HWversion’: ‘1.0’, ‘FWversion’: ‘NTGX24_10.17.08.00’, ‘modemFwVersion’: ‘SDX24_10.25.00.06’, ‘buildDate’: ‘2020/08/21’, ‘BLversion’: ‘SDX24_10.25.00.06\n’, ‘PRIversion’: ‘05.04’, ‘truInstallAvailable’: False, ‘truInstallVersion’: ‘’, ‘IMEI’: ‘355#####’, ‘SVN’: ‘4’, ‘MEID’: ‘’, ‘ESN’: ‘’, ‘FSN’: ‘60M5#####’, ‘ATTDeviceId’: ‘’, ‘packageName’: ‘MR2100-100EUS_23114195_NTGX24_10.17.08.00_00_Generic_05.04_00’, ‘activated’: True, ‘webAppVersion’: ‘MR2100-100EUS_04.02.171.00\n’, ‘appVersion’: ‘NTGX24_10.17.08.00’, ‘HIDenabled’: False, ‘truInstallEnabled’: False, ‘truInstallSupported’: False, ‘TCAaccepted’: True, ‘LEDenabled’: True, ‘showAdvHelp’: True, ‘showWebInfo’: True, ‘keyLockState’: ‘Locked’, ‘devTemperature’: 27, ‘verMajor’: 42, ‘verMinor’: 0, ‘environment’: ‘Target’, ‘currTime’: 1362646535, ‘timeZoneOffset’: 3600, ‘deviceName’: ‘Nighthawk M2’, ‘useMetricSystem’: True, ‘factoryResetStatus’: ‘NotStarted’, ‘SPClockStatus’: ‘SPCLocked’, ‘setupCompleted’: True, ‘warrantyDateCode’: ‘’, ‘languageSelected’: True, ‘upTime’: 1442426, ‘systemAlertList’: {‘list’: [{}], ‘count’: 0}, ‘apiVersion’: ‘2.0’, ‘companyName’: ‘NETGEAR’, ‘usbDevicesURL’: ‘/Forms/readyshareUsbDevicesInfo’, ‘nwFoldersURL’: ‘/Forms/readyshareNWFoldersInfo’, ‘configURL’: ‘/Forms/config’, ‘profileURL’: ‘/Forms/profile’, ‘pinChangeURL’: ‘/Forms/pinChange’, ‘portCfgURL’: ‘/Forms/portCfg’, ‘portFilterURL’: ‘/Forms/portFilter’, ‘wifiACLURL’: ‘/Forms/wifiACL’, ‘supportedLangList’: [{‘id’: ‘en’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘true’, ‘isDefault’: ‘true’, ‘label’: ‘English’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/en.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘ar_AR’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘العربية (Arabic)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/ar_AR.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘de_DE’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Deutsch (German)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/de_DE.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘es_ES’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Español (Spanish)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/es_ES.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘fr_FR’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Français (French)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/fr_FR.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘it_IT’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Italiano (Italian)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/it_IT.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘no_NO’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Norsk (Norwegian)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/no_NO.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘pl_PL’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Polski (Polish)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/pl_PL.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘fi_FI’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Suomi (Finnish)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/fi_FI.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘sv_SE’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Svenska (Swedish)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/sv_SE.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {‘id’: ‘tu_TU’, ‘isCurrent’: ‘false’, ‘isDefault’: ‘false’, ‘label’: ‘Türkçe (Turkish)’, ‘token1’: ‘/romfs/lcd/tu_TU.tr’, ‘token2’: ‘’}, {}]}, ‘power’: {‘PMState’: ‘Online’, ‘SmState’: ‘Online’, ‘battLowThreshold’: 15, ‘autoOff’: {‘onUSBdisconnect’: {‘enable’: False, ‘countdownTimer’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘onIdle’: {‘timer’: {‘onAC’: 0, ‘onBattery’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}}}, ‘standby’: {‘ethernet’: {‘timer’: {‘onBattery’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}}, ‘onIdle’: {‘timer’: {‘onAC’: 0, ‘onBattery’: 0, ‘onUSB’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}}}, ‘autoOn’: {‘enable’: True, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘batteryTemperature’: 25, ‘batteryVoltage’: 3921, ‘battChargeLevel’: 64, ‘battChargeSource’: ‘Charger’, ‘batteryState’: ‘Normal’, ‘battChargeAlgorithm’: ‘ReduceStress’, ‘charging’: False, ‘buttonHoldTime’: 268435455, ‘deviceTempCritical’: False, ‘resetreason’: 16, ‘resetRequired’: ‘NoResetRequired’, ‘choiceOnUsb’: ‘NoAction’, ‘actionOnUsb’: ‘ChargeOnly’, ‘batteryTempState’: ‘Normal’, ‘batteryName’: ‘W10A’, ‘wifiOff’: {‘onUsbConnect’: False, ‘onTethered’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘boost’: {‘cableConnected’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘lpm’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘wwan’: {‘prlVersion’: 0, ‘bandDisablementMaskLTE’: ‘0x0000000000000000’, ‘bandDisablementMask’: ‘0x0000000000000000’, ‘LTEBandPriority’: ‘0’, ‘netScanStatus’: ‘NotStarted’, ‘mtuSize’: 0, ‘mtuChangeEnabled’: False, ‘LTEeHRPDConfig’: ‘NotForcedLTEAndeHRPDEnabled’, ‘roamingEnhancedIndicator’: 0, ‘roamingMode’: ‘HomeOnly’, ‘roamingGuardDom’: ‘NotForcedDisabled’, ‘roamingGuardIntl’: ‘NotForcedDisabled’, ‘roamingType’: ‘Home’, ‘roamMenuDisplay’: False, ‘ERITestMode’: False, ‘autoBandRegionChanged’: False, ‘inactivityCause’: 3042, ‘currentNWserviceType’: ‘LteService’, ‘registerRejectCode’: -1, ‘netSelEnabled’: ‘Enabled’, ‘netRegMode’: ‘Auto’, ‘IPv6’: ‘’, ‘roaming’: False, ‘IP’: ‘##.##.##.42’, ‘registerNetworkDisplay’: ‘Free’, ‘RAT’: ‘Auto’, ‘bandRegion’: [{‘index’: 0, ‘name’: ‘Auto’, ‘current’: True}, {‘index’: 1, ‘name’: ‘WCDMA All’, ‘current’: False}, {‘index’: 2, ‘name’: ‘LTE All’, ‘current’: False}, {}], ‘autoconnect’: ‘HomeNetwork’, ‘profileList’: [{‘index’: 1, ‘id’: ‘Free Mobile’, ‘name’: ‘Free Mobile’, ‘apn’: ‘free’, ‘username’: ‘’, ‘password’: ‘’, ‘authtype’: ‘None’, ‘ipaddr’: ‘’, ‘access_control’: 0, ‘type’: ‘IPV4’, ‘pdproamingtype’: ‘IPV4’}, {}], ‘profile’: {‘default’: ‘Free Mobile’, ‘defaultLTE’: ‘Free Mobile’, ‘promptForApnSelection’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘promptForPwd’: ‘Disabled’, ‘dataUsage’: {‘total’: {‘lteBillingTx’: 0, ‘lteBillingRx’: 0, ‘cdmaBillingTx’: 0, ‘cdmaBillingRx’: 0, ‘gwBillingTx’: 0, ‘gwBillingRx’: 0, ‘lteLifeTx’: 0, ‘lteLifeRx’: 0, ‘cdmaLifeTx’: 0, ‘cdmaLifeRx’: 0, ‘gwLifeTx’: 0, ‘gwLifeRx’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘server’: {‘accountType’: ‘’, ‘subAccountType’: ‘’, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘remote’: {‘end’: ‘’}, ‘serverDataRemaining’: 0, ‘serverDataTransferred’: 0, ‘serverDataTransferredIntl’: 0, ‘serverDataValidState’: ‘Invalid’, ‘serverDaysLeft’: 0, ‘serverErrorCode’: ‘’, ‘serverLowBalance’: False, ‘serverMsisdn’: ‘’, ‘serverRechargeUrl’: ‘’, ‘dataWarnEnable’: False, ‘planSize’: 0, ‘planDescription’: ‘’, ‘prepaidStackedPlans’: 0, ‘prepaidStackedPlansIntl’: 0, ‘prepaidAccountState’: ‘Hot’, ‘accountType’: ‘Unknown’, ‘disableAutoReset’: False, ‘share’: {‘enabled’: False, ‘dataTransferredOthers’: 0, ‘lastSync’: ‘0’, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘generic’: {‘dataLimitValid’: False, ‘usageHighWarning’: 0, ‘fallbackSupported’: False, ‘lastSucceeded’: ‘0’, ‘billingDay’: 22, ‘nextBillingDate’: ‘1363474800’, ‘lastSync’: ‘0’, ‘billingCycleRemainder’: 9, ‘billingCycleLimit’: 0, ‘dataTransferred’: 92598192470, ‘dataTransferredRoaming’: 0, ‘lastReset’: ‘1361204148’, ‘userDisplayFormat’: ‘BillingCycle’, ‘end’: ‘’}}, ‘netManualNoCvg’: False, ‘connection’: ‘Connected’, ‘connectionType’: ‘IPv4Only’, ‘currentPSserviceType’: ‘LTE’, ‘ca’: {‘SCCcount’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘connectionText’: ‘4G’, ‘sessDuration’: 31576, ‘sessStartTime’: 1362614959, ‘dataTransferred’: {‘totalb’: ‘1056766033’, ‘rxb’: ‘319754825’, ‘txb’: ‘737011208’}, ‘signalStrength’: {‘rssi’: -52, ‘rscp’: 0, ‘ecio’: 0, ‘rsrp’: -80, ‘rsrq’: -8, ‘bars’: 5, ‘sinr’: 20, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘laa’: {‘supported’: False, ‘enabled’: False, ‘end’: ‘’}}, ‘wwanadv’: {‘curBand’: ‘LTE B3’, ‘radioQuality’: 68, ‘country’: ‘FRA’, ‘RAC’: 0, ‘LAC’: 7903, ‘MCC’: ‘208’, ‘MNC’: ‘15’, ‘MNCFmt’: 2, ‘cellId’: 103845457, ‘chanId’: 1675, ‘primScode’: -1, ‘plmnSrvErrBitMask’: 0, ‘chanIdUl’: 19675, ‘txLevel’: 12, ‘rxLevel’: -80, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘ethernet’: {‘mac’: ‘44-A5-6E-C1-21-7E’, ‘offload’: {‘supported’: True, ‘enabled’: False, ‘on’: False, ‘ipv4Addr’: ‘’, ‘ipv6Addr’: ‘0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000’, ‘rx’: 0, ‘tx’: 0, ‘timeOn’: 0, ‘end’: ‘’}}, ‘wifi’: {‘enabled’: True, ‘status’: ‘On’, ‘mode’: ‘M802_11_BGN’, ‘maxClientSupported’: 30, ‘maxClientLimit’: 30, ‘maxClientCnt’: 20, ‘encryption’: ‘WPA2_Personal_AES’, ‘channel’: 0, ‘2gBandwidth’: ‘HT20’, ‘5gBandwidth’: ‘VHT80’, ‘txPower’: ‘Long’, ‘hiddenSSID’: False, ‘passPhrase’: ‘##########’, ‘passwordReminder’: True, ‘RTSthreshold’: 2347, ‘fragThreshold’: 2346, ‘accessControl’: ‘None’, ‘SSID’: ‘#########’, ‘wmmEnabled’: True, ‘MAC’: ‘##-##-##-##-##-##’, ‘SSIDreminder’: True, ‘clientCount’: 0, ‘country’: ‘FR’, ‘privacy’: False, ‘wps’: {‘supported’: ‘Both’, ‘enabled’: ‘Primary’, ‘blocked’: False, ‘mode’: ‘PBC’, ‘status’: ‘Succeeded’, ‘end’: ‘’}, ‘guest’: {‘maxClientCnt’: 20, ‘enabled’: True, ‘status’: ‘On’, ‘encryption’: ‘WPA2_Personal_AES’, ‘SSID’: ‘#######’, ‘passPhrase’: ‘#####’, ‘generatePassphrase’: False, ‘accessProfile’: ‘Full’, ‘hiddenSSID’: False, ‘timerEnable’: False, ‘timerTimestamp’: 0, ‘timerValue’: 3600, ‘privacy’: False, ‘chan’: 0, ‘mode’: 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False, ‘schedulerDefaultMode’: ‘WwanOn’, ‘schedulerList’: [{}], ‘end’: 0}, ‘ready’: {‘shareSupported’: False, ‘shareEnabled’: False, ‘cloudSupported’: False, ‘cloudEnabled’: False, ‘deviceShare’: {‘networkDeviceName’: ‘readyshare’, ‘workgroupName’: ‘workgroup’, ‘removeUsbDeviceResult’: ‘None’, ‘extMediaSupported’: True, ‘usbDevicesInfo’: [{}], ‘nwFoldersInfo’: [{}], ‘end’: 0}, ‘cloud’: {‘registrationStatus’: ‘Unregistered’, ‘end’: 0}}, ‘mediaserver’: {‘dlnaSupported’: True, ‘dlnaEnabled’: True, ‘dlnaFriendlyName’: ‘ReadyDLNA’, ‘end’: 0}}
The Netgear LTE integration is still working for me but it is not actively updated for new models since that requires help from someone with the proper hardware. Your Eternalegypt log might be enough; I will have a look but it might be a couple of weeks.
No problem, thank you so much please let me know if you need further information.
I hopefully fixed this now with eternalegypt
Are you able to make a pull request with a version bump for Home Assistant?
Hi, thank you for working on this issue. But I am afraid that making a pull request is beyond my skills How do you do that? Could you guide me? Thank you
No problem, I can make it then. I am currently not set up for Home Assistant development so it might be a few more days.
The M2 fix is now included for 2023.4: Upgrade netgear_lte third-party library to v0.0.15 by amelchio · Pull Request #90324 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Once the fix gets to you, please let me know whether it now works