Netgear_LTE with Aircard 800s modem


Is it possible to use the Netgear_LTE integration with an AC800S modem? I have tried the config as displayed in the documentation, as well as a simplified version as below:

  - host:
    password: myPassword

I can access the modem web interface from the PC running home assistant.

I get the followingin the log:

2019-07-28 16:26:20 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netgear_lte] Could not connect to Will keep trying
2019-07-28 16:26:20 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2019-07-28 16:26:20 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2019-07-28 16:26:35 ERROR (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] No token found during login
2019-07-28 16:26:51 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.
2019-07-28 16:26:51 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.
2019-07-28 16:27:05 ERROR (MainThread) [eternalegypt.eternalegypt] No token found during login

I notice this modem is not listed in the link on the configuration page - however it is a Netgear LTE modem. The web interface looks similar to screenshots snippets in some of the other posts about this integration.
@amelchio do you think it would require changes to the integration for this modem to work?



Yeah, the “No token found during login” error implies that changes are needed to support this modem.

If the web interface is similar, it could be a small update but it is anyway quite hard without having the modem available. Try finding me on Discord and we can do some small investigations.

Thanks @amelchio for your quick help with making changes to support this modem. The AC800s (Optus) modem now works in HA v0.97.0

Hi Brenkt,
Can you share your solution? I would like to try it out an on Netgear AC790S. The default config on port 5000 isnt working for aircards, so the solution is obviously via a custom approach. It would be great if you could detail your setup. Many thanks in advance.

Hey Felix,
I’m just using the netgear_lte component which amelchio updated for me (very quickly) to work with the AC800S. Below is my configuration if it helps:

# Netgear AC800s Optus
  - host: !secret ac800s_host
    password: !secret ac800s_pass
        - usage
        - cell_id
        - current_band
        - radio_quality
        - rx_level
        - tx_level
        - mobile_connected

The other thing I do is I set up an Appdaemon python script which gets information from a straight Telnet connection direct to the modem. This gives me some more information regarding if the modem is using Carrier Aggregation to connect to more than one band at a time. As far as I know on my modem you can only use the telnet interface ifthe modem is connected via the USB interface (mine is connected via USB to my router). Below is the Appdaemon code for this:

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import datetime
import telnetlib
import time
import re

# Get LTE bands from AC800s modem via Telnet
# Args:

class TelnetAC800s(hass.Hass):

  def initialize(self):
    #Run callback to run get_bands every 30s starting now
        self.run_every(self.get_bands, self.datetime(), 30)

  def get_bands(self, kwargs):
    #self.log("getting band...")
    tn = telnetlib.Telnet("",5510)
    data2=re.findall(r'LTE band: *(\S*)', data.decode())
    self.set_state("", state = data2 ) #BCK - need to parse data2

Hope some of this helps.


Thank you Brent, I’ll give it a try!

Hi There,
I’m trying to configure my Netgear M2 router, and i’ve seen users with M1 that seems to work, but mine keeps getting the following error.
Am i doing something wrong?
Please note i’m new to Home Assistant, have it installed in my Synology.
Maybe i should create a new thread?

2020-05-03 19:31:32 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of netgear_lte is taking over 10 seconds.
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.netgear_lte] Lost connection to
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.
2020-05-03 19:31:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Platform netgear_lte not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.

Hi, same problem here with Netgear M2.
@amelchio could you please help here?
Thank you :slight_smile: