Netgear R8000 behind a Livebox : forward/route for hassio with Duckdns


I just bought a “R8000 NightHawk X6” because the wifi of the livebox V4 Pro (local ISP is Orange) is just a disaster.

I plugged the Raspebrry pi 3b + into the R8000.

I can access it from my LAN with https: //192.168.x.x: 8123
but it does not work anymore from outside my LAN in 4G with my smartphone.

Before I had just a forwarding rule from port 443 to 8123 pointing to the hassio LAN address (on the box, no router).

How should I go about it? should I put the Raspberry on the LIvebox rather than the router R8000?

I’m lost…

thanks in advance :wink:

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je viens d’acheter un car le wifi de la livebox V4 pro est juste une catastrophe.

J’ai branché le Raspebrry pi 3b+ sur le R8000.

J’arrive a y accéder depuis mon LAN avec https://192.168.x.x:8123
mais ca ne marche plus depuis l’extérieur de mon LAN en 4G avec mon smartphone.

Avant j’avais juste une règle de forwarding du port 443 vers le 8123 pointant vers l’adresse LAN du hassio.

Comment dois je m’y prendre? faut il que je mette le Raspberry sur la LIvebox plutot que le router R8000?

je suis perdu…

merci par avance :wink:

i think i have just toput the R8000 in access point mode but i lose the access control…

Hello Olivier

Have you found a solution ?
I also have a Livebox + additional router (Xiaomi 4A) and have no idea how to manage this.

hello @IceTJaM,

yes but still get some problems.

I first change the static local adress of the livebox to

Then i put the Netgear in router mode and change the local Ip to and the Wan one to

So it dont have anything to change and my sensor or esp32Cam that works with static ip on the 192.168.1 local network (before on the livebox, now on the Netgear router).

I make some port forwarding on the livebox like livebox to Netgear : 8123->8123 , 80->80, 443->443 and it works.

But i have 2 issues : i put all my device in static ip adress reservation in the netgear config (Advanced ->Configuration->lan config -> add resreved adress) and if i want to “apply” i have a error message : “L’adresse IP est en conflit avec le réseau WAN,saisssez-la à nouveau!” in english : the IP adress is in conflict with the Wan adress, type a new one".
So i dont make apply, but its recorded in the list of reserved adress…

Second, more sucking one : my smartphone, a galaxy note 10 + make a while to connect to my wifi network…i try everything…smartconfig : one Wifi for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands, separate bands, stactic IP, dynamic IP, some day i need to reset router Netgear…dont understand why…

I read a lot about IP configuration and i donct understand whats wrong with my config : for box and for router netgear IP local (and for Wan with the box)…

If you have some ideas…
