Netgear Wifi tracker not changing to not_home


I updated my Orbi’s from the RBK40 to RBK50 and before I did the netgear tracking worked perfectly. It now never switches from home to not_home unless I reboot HA, which defeats the point.

If I look at the admin interface of the orbi is shows the phones as not connected and they have static ip’s.

Any idea please?

  - platform: netgear
    port: 80
    username: xx
    password: xx!
    consider_home: 180
    track_new_devices: yes


any idea on this please? It take over an hour for HA to detect we aren’t here and make the wifi as away/not_home. Even when I put consider home to 10 seconds etc

I’m seeing the same issue. I also noticed it shortly after I upgraded the firmware on my Orbi router. I don’t have specific logs, but it seems to take ~1 hour before it shows either my wife’s or my cell phone as away. It does eventually work, but it is delayed long enough that I noticed several of my automations are not working as expected.

sounds very similar. I cannot say if it was the firmware, as I updated the orbi’s as well…

did you get anywhere with this? Mine is now taking over an hour to report my as not_home. Have the newest firmware and tempted to move away from the netgear component

No. I’m still having a considerable delay. I have also stared looking for an alternative.

ahh pity glad it isn’t just me though :slight_smile:

EDIT just spotted this in the notes

A recent updates of Orbi APs introduced a bug which takes several hours to detects presence on your local network. The current workaround is to force this integration to use the Orbi’s API v2 by adding the accesspoints: node to your configuration.

I added accesspoints: true and turned wifi off… within 3 minutes I was not_home

Thanks for the tip! I also added accesspoints: and it is once again working!