(Claudiu Lacatusu)
July 25, 2017, 8:24am
I want to have in the HA-Dashboard all my network devices status like:
Computer1: Running
Computer2: Down
Printer: Running
HA-Server: Running
FileServer: Running
How can I do something like this? There is any HA’s feature available or any ideas?
Thank you!
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July 25, 2017, 8:31am
Sounds like you want a group of sensors.
The sensors would be binary sensors with type connectivity.
What binary sensor depends on how you will ascertain the running or down status of the devices. Ping via command line? Device_tracker? something else - depends on your usage case.
July 25, 2017, 8:39am
as phileep already suggested, use a binary sensor, i am working with the ping component
Works perfect for me.
July 25, 2017, 11:40am
nmap or ping device trackers will track the status of your devices as noted above.
If you want to change the output from home/not_home to online/offline or running/not running see below
I have seen this request a few times in the forums. Putting a post together so I can link to it rather than find and paste the text each time.
This example uses a device_tracker entity which normally displays home or not_home for the state. This makes sense for a person, but for a computer or device online or offline may make more sense. Here is how to make that change. Its a bit of a round about way of doing it and not the most efficient option, but it works and is the only option I am awar…
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(Claudiu Lacatusu)
July 25, 2017, 11:50am
Very helpful! Thank you very much! This is what I want.
I just implemented this last night.
I used the ping binary_sensor and added a sensor template to change the output for “online” or offline. The sensor template (not binary_sensor template!!) also supports different icons - for example mdi:server-network if it’s online and mdi:server-network-off when offline.
(Claudiu Lacatusu)
July 25, 2017, 1:19pm
How can I change the icons by its state?
Just use the icon_template option:
icon_template: '{% if is_state("sun.sun", "above_horizon") %}mdi:weather-sunny{% else %}mdi:weather-night{% endif %}'
More info here .