Network Install Question


I’m new to HA.

I installed it using Hyper V on a Windows 11 machine. It is up, runs fine on that machine. I can access the server on that machine. But I can’t access the HA server from anywhere else on my home network either in a browser or via iOS app. The HA server has a 172. ip and I’m pretty sure this ip can’t be accessed from my other devices which are all on 192… ips because of the standard subnet settings. It seems like I need the server to have an ip in the 192 range. A related question is do i have to have the server on my 2.4 ghz network or can it be on my 5 ghz network? Most of my devices sit on the 2.4 ghz network. Perhaps there is a document which describes how to resolve? I hate to have this pc sit only only the slower 2.4 GHz network if the ha server must be on the 2.4 network. Thanks