Network storage cannot be mounted at /data/mounts/<name> because it is not empty #4358

Why has this bug not been picked up as a to do item? It affects a lot of users…

Whenever my OMV NAS setup has had issues and I have had to do a fresh install, I get the same message when trying to establish network storage for the “Frigate NVR” add-on running in my Home Assistant. Home Assistant should give you the option of emptying, deleting, or moving the frigate media folder containing the video files (if it is empty or not), in order to prevent your main HAOS drive from filling up with frigate video files. There is no clear or easy way to accomplish this in the UI of home assistant nor where you can access the media folder to delete it, etc… I have tried using terminal, bash, re-install of frigate, etc… I also have re-installed OMV on my other Pi5 three times since it ceased functioning and get the same issue in home assistant. When I re-establish the new network storage for HA backups on my NAS, I don’t get that error and it is successful. When I try to re-establish the new network storage for Frigate on my NAS I get the above error and it is unsuccessful. Everyone trying to help says delete this folder or rename this folder, ( /Media/ or frigate.db or frigate.db-shm or frigate.db-wal ) without a guided step by step written tutorial etc., which leaves you wondering what, where and how exactly do you start or accomplish this step by step ? I know I am not the only user affected by this error and it still exists. It is not dead and no fix has apparently been done to HA network storage creation for HA or use with the add-on Frigate. Thank you for your time. My HAOS and Frigate NVR is running on Pi5 with 8GB using official Pi HAT with 1TB SSD NVME and my OMV is running on my other Pi5 also with 8GB and the official Pi HAT with official Raspberry Pi 256GB NVME. Thanks again.