Network Storage - other than media and backup

I have Network storage set up as a backup target, and also as a media folder, and both are working well.

Am heading overseas in a week, and thought it would be cool to access a share on my NAS via the HA cloud to save carrying copies of everything (who knows what I may need), and also potentially to upload files directly to the NAS.

I have the share on the NAS, I’ve set it up as a Share in HA. The system suggests it connected ok - but I can’t find any convenient way to access it.

Docs here only say…

  • A new directory with the name you gave your network storage will be created under /share. This directory can be accessed by Home Assistant and add-ons.*

File Editor can’t see the share.
Media Browser can’t see the share.

Terminal can see it and will allow me to navigate through the folders, but that is a royal pain on a phone screen and doesn’t incorporate any form of file manipulation (eg viewing a .pdf is the most likely I can imagine needing).

Is there some other add on I don’t know about that could make this a less painful process? Or should I just download everything to a USB SSD drive and take it with me?

Many thanks,


In the configuration for File Editor, turn off “Enforce Basepath”. It defaults to on, and this limits you to just the configuration folder. Once you restart the addon you will be able to “back up” to the root folder and then see “/share”.

Thanks Michael :slight_smile:
Perfect solution - and dead easy to do.