Hi all,
I have HA v2022.7.7 installed on a Raspberry Pi.
My UPS is connected to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi.
I installed the add-on “Network UPS Tools” v0.11.0 to monitor the UPS (I guess nut server side).
I installed the integration Network UPS Tools (NUT) (latest, but not sure where to find version number) (I guess nut client side).
While monitoring the UPS, I noticed that the battery charge is jumping from one value to the other and was wondering about the refresh rate. Where can I find the refresh rate? Or, if it needs to be defined, what is the default value and where can I define it?
The default update interval is 60 seconds, and you can change that in the UI (Settings → Devices & Services → Select your NUT integration → Configure) to a value between 10 and 300 seconds.
Thanks for the info.
I saw that and wasn’t sure because I set it to 10 seconds, but still had the impression that the refresh rate was slower.
If I understand right, the add-on is the nut server side, and the integration is the client side.
From the documentation on the nut add-on, there is a link to Network UPS Tools man page where I found the variable “pollinterval” which is set to 2 seconds by default. Also, in this man page, there is a link to usbhid-ups driver man page where I found the variable “pollfreq” which is set to 30 seconds by default. That could explain the slow refresh rate I’m seeing.
If I want to change the “pollfreq” value, where should I put it? in the add-on configuration or the integration configuration?
pollfreq and pollinterval are server-side settings, i.e. they should go into the add-on configuration. Sorry, I can’t help you with the add-on configuration because I am using the NUT daemon directly on Ubuntu Linux where these settings can be found in config file /etc/nut/upsmon.conf.