Networking call from custom component

Hello All,
I do have a small custom component that doing network call and then it parses json and creates a few sensors from that.
Created a while ago and it worked a quite well (till v0.103.3 version), after upgrading into last ha version, I’ve got exception, that my code now needs to be run in


Tested multiple examples, can’t successfully fix that.
Getting exceptions or my task is just not executed.

What I’m doing now. Code to do a network call:

async def fetch_data():
        req = urllib.request.Request(api_url)
        req.add_header("Authorization", token)
        return json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8"))
    except Exception as e:
        _LOGGER.error("Unable to fetch data: " + str(e))
    return {'key_0': 0, 'key_1': None, 'key_3': 0}

And trying to call this fun like that:

    async def async_update(self):
        """Fetch new state data for the sensor."""
            result = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(fetch_data)
        except Exception as e:
            _LOGGER.error("ERROR async_update(): " + str(e))

Should I call async_add_executor_job in different way/ Or call something after it? Or do some preparation before calling?

async_add_executor_job is used to call a synchronous function in a thread inside the executor pool, with the purpose of not blocking the event loop. So you are supposed to pass a function as first argument and arguments that are passed to that function when it is called. You are doing that part right, but fetch_data is an async method so it won’t work. Just remove async from that method and it should work.

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Thanks for pointing to this.
Yes that was a reason.
Get it worked now :slight_smile: