NetworkManager >= 1.18.0 on Debian buster?

So, after upgrading Home Assistant to 0.114.4, I noticed the “You are running an unsupported installation.” message from the supervisor, and on checking out the linked further information and going digging, found that the problem is that apparently HA now requires NetworkManager >= 1.18.0.

Obvious issue: the required Debian buster only includes 1.14.6 [ETA: also not in buster-backports]. Debian bullseye includes 1.26.2, but before I indulge in the generally-not-recommended practice of mixing distributions, is this really what we’re supposed to do?

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Same problem here…

 network-manager 1.14.6-2+deb10u1

Are you certain it’s network manager? Never seen that. It’s much more likely to be the docker logging and if you look in the community debian guide there is a fix there you can apply.

Same problem here. And they wrote networkmanager, and I think that is wrong.
Also Avahi is not a package, but I think they mean avahi-daemon.
Would be nice with a clean up on that document to avoid ambiguous information.

Check line 53 and following of the install script here

Not sure what you are referring to?
From line 53 and following is only choosing and pulling docker images. But on line 27 to 35 you have environment checks which check the version of different software.
But as @cerebrate and @seccho wrote, nmcli or network-manager is only version 1.14.6 on debian 10.

Sorry lines 48-51 have the json file you need to manually create (or run the install script again) to fix the error. See the debian community guide for full details…

Like I said I think you will find it’s the docker logging causing the problem (it was for me) It doesn’t seem to b checking the network manager version just that it exists from what I can see.

Yes but as I see that script you are referring to is only used when installing, not after Homeassistant has been installed.
And as @cerebrate is saying, after the update to 0.114 the message on supervisor -> system is showing an error that is referring to a document where it states that network-manager needs to be over version 1.18.0, which is not available on debian 10 yet.
And I had another message before stating that I was using debian 9, so there are some check being done by the containers or something else that doesn’t have anything to do with the script you referred to.

But you say that you fixed a problem with docker logging? Did you have the same error message we are having? And if so, what did you do?

Here is a image of the error:

That “error” will show if any check fails.
You need to look in the supervisor logs for the real error docker logs hassio_supervisor.

Currently there are no version checks for other than docker (and the OS), so older NM is not the issue.

Ok, maybe remove the >= 1.18.0 requirement or is it required to mix distributions as @cerebrate is saying?

When running:
docker logs hassio_supervisor 2>&1 | grep "ERROR" | grep "supervisor.docker"
I get:
20-09-02 19:22:11 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.docker] Docker logging driver json-file is not supported!

So this is what you were talking about @DavidFW1960?

Got it…

  1. go to /etc/docker/
  2. create daemon.json
  "log-driver": "journald"
  1. reboot

If that json file isn’t there you will see that error. Yes it is created when you install but if it isn’t there when you run HA you will see that error.


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Now I understand what you meant with everything you wrote.
And with @seccho simple instruction the error message is gone.

It looks like we were misguided by the information that network-manager >= 1.18.0 was required and not available.

My initial presumption was that it was so because on going through the list of dependencies on the above-linked page, that was the first (and only) one I found to be missing.

But since the Docker logging fix worked for me, guess I’ll be submitting a PR for ADR 14.


No need, that is already in there :wink:

Docker needs to be correctly configured to use overlayfs2 storage and journald as the logging driver.

I was meaning, rather, to change, or at least clarify, the NetworkManager version so that future people getting this message won’t go off down the same wrong track.

It’s no s clear because if you use Docker on Debian it’s a prerequisite to add the deamon.json file.
You should post this section in Bold:
overlayfs2 storage and journald as the logging driver
And maybe a link to this thread…
