New 97.2 setup, bluetooth device_tracker does nothing


Setting up a clean install 97.2, Im trying to configure the bluetooth device_tracker, but there’s no response at all…no known_devices.yaml is created.


  - platform: bluetooth_tracker

http: !include http.yaml

mqtt_statestream: !include mqtt_statestreams.yaml

panel_iframe: !include panel_iframe.yaml

The configuration.yaml is above, and there’s not much there yet, other than a few add-ons and MQTT.

Do I need to enable anything else?

please let me know if you have a hint…

Does your home assistant host hardware have a bluetooth receiver?

Yes, and it has always worked fine… (Rpi3B)
had to setup anew because of an SD-card corruption…

There’s a note down the bottom of the docs about discovery problems:

yes, Ive seen that too, but I use an iPhone, which doesnt have a Hit- button :wink:

Also, my macs an other hardware aren’t recognized at all, while before they were rather easily seen.

have this in the logs, which I have never seen before, but thought it not to be for the bluetooth device_tracker:

2019-08-26 13:18:48 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.telefoon
2019-08-26 13:19:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.telefoon
2019-08-26 13:19:26 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.telefoon
2019-08-26 13:19:51 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.telefoon
2019-08-26 13:20:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.telefoon
2019-08-26 13:20:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] The see service is not supported for this entity 

getting back to this, I still can’t setup the bluetooth device_tracker. Have lowered log level in logger to

  homeassistant.components.device_tracker.bluetooth_tracker: debug
  homeassistant.components.device_tracker: info

and there’s absolutely nothing in the logs on Bluetooth… not even an error of it not being able to setup…
this is the only thing that comes close to it:

2019-08-27 11:50:08 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Setting up device_tracker.legacy

not sure why it says legacy, since the bluetooth tracker is instructed to be setup like this? No way to ‘discover’ it is there?
how can this be?? I am completely out of hints how to proceed.
Can we somehow check if the hardware is alright? Should we enable it on the Pi itself? (it has always been enabled, so wouldn’t know why or how to do so)

anyways, Please have another look?

Are you using the iOS app? I have the same error and I’m guessing that it’s because the app creates a GPS device tracker with the same entity id.

EDIT: I removed the iOS integration through the UI and now BT detection is working again.


and what about other devices? I have since seen 2 in the HA system, but most of my computers and peripherals are not detected.

Not sure, my other devices were already visible. Do they show up when you run “hcitool scan” on the host?

can I do that on Hassio ssh terminal?

Thank u for your right info I just renamed the entity_id created from the HA App e now BLE detection works.

I ran into the same error - now renamed the entity_id for the Companion app integration and will see how it works out…

Update: Works fine after making room for the entity. If have submitted a PR to include this into the docs.