New Adaptive Lighting Integration

Just so you know, you can get Hue dimmer adapters that replace the old wall switches. No rewiring or eletrician needed for the task, you just replace the wall switch housing with the adapter and snap the dimmer on top of it.
Samotech sells their SM200 adapters in Amazon. You can also 3D-print those adapters yourself. (honestly, the 3D-printed ones are way better and easier to install).

However, I have come to the conclusion that my preferred settings are dimming too far too early in the evening during winter.

I have the same problem. Sunset isn’t the same as bed time. I want the lights to be:

  • daylight (5500k) in the morning
  • soft white after the sun sets
  • warm white around 10pm

Is there a different integration I should be using? I like the way this integration is able to adapt lights when they are turned on by my remote.

I am not aware of another integration. I think you will have to resort to automations and groups of color/brightness controllable lights. Defining the different periods of the day/night isn’t hard.
Do you use Node-Red?

Yes, I use node-red. But based on previous experience, HASS takes a while (up to 30s) to recognise that a Hue light has changed state (eg when the dimmer switch is used). This integration picks up the change right away.

Was that just between the Hue light & HASS or was NR involved?

I am using my own routine in NR based on Circadian/Adaptive Lighting NodeRed
I have just recently taken it to the next level such that I can take over control of the lights until any of the following occurs:

  1. The light is switched off and back on
  2. The global circadian boolean is toggled off/on
  3. The area specific circadian boolean is toggled off/on
  4. The individual Brightness/Color circadian boolean for that area is toggled off/on

Still testing things and ironing out the glitches with color/brightness control occasionally switching off for my three Zigbee lights in the office which are on almost full time from 8 am to midnight.

Currently (6:50 pm PST) the lights are at this level:



and my times of day:

Did you end up figuring this out? Trying to figure out if its worth having it on my lights connected to a Dimmer2

I rarely use the wall switch so I haven’t checked lately. I’ll give it a try tonight.

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I’m fairly new to HA and have been using Adaptive Lighting for about a week. I really like it, but one issue I’m trying to find a solution for is how to use Adaptive Lighting with Alexa Routines and voice commands. If I say, “Alexa, set the lamp to blue” or, “Alexa, start a dance party” (which changes the color of certain lights), then Adaptive Lighting immediately takes over and turns the lights back to a shade of white. It seems to only recognize manual lighting control from an app or wall switch, not from voice commands. A step-by-step solution for this would be appreciated tremendously.

How’d you go? I was having some funky experiences with it so cut it away from those lights.

Sorry, I totally forgot to come back here with my findings. Unfortunately it seems that controlling the dimmer from the physical button still does not activate the ‘take over control’ function in Adaptive Lighting, so does not disable AL as it should do per the docs.

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It seems that HA release 2022.3 breaks the functionality of adaptive lighting… Since I updated to 2022.3, manual control does not work at all and the component always turns on all lights in a room even if I only switch on one single light.

Does anyone face the same issues?

Not me! I am using my own routine in Node Red and it’s fine…

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mark this blogpost

I’ve just purchased a Hue Play Bar and installed the Adaptive Lighting component to use as a sunrise and sunset simulator.

I’ve set sleep_transition to 300, sleep_brightness to 1%, sleep_rgb_color_or_temp to rgb_color and sleep_rgb_color to Red.

I’ve created a script that checks the light is on and sleep mode is off, then turns sleep mode on, waits 300 seconds (for the light to transition to 1% red) and then turns the light off. This will be called manually when I go to bed.

A second script that check the light is off and sleep mode is on, turns the light on and sleep mode off. This will be called by an automation before I’m due to wake up or manually if I wake up earlier.

Is anyone else doing something similar? I guess I’ve missed some exceptions. What should I look out for? Waiting for the transition before turning the light off feels a bit clunky.

EDIT further testings seems to show that the sleep_transition finishes much faster than as set.

Hi everyone,

I recently setup the AL integration for all my lights. I have about 50 individual lights or so, almost all Hue, some Yeelight. All of them are connected via Zigbee2MQTT (except the few Wifi exceptions). Some of the individual Hue bulbs are grouped in Z2M and there are also HA light groups. Most of them are motion controlled using plain vanilla lights.turn_on commands with no other settings. Also lots of light switches that also fire the same service command when pressed.

I have the issue that most of the lights do not adapt which turning on. Some do but most don’t. They are stuck. However when I toggle the AL switch in HA on and off they immediately adapt correctly just not when triggered via an automation.

I played around with the settings but nothing really helps. It is a complete disaster and I need some pointers to why that happens.

I also opened a ticket on GitHub with more details here: Light stuck / not adapting · Issue #985 · basnijholt/adaptive-lighting · GitHub

If anyone has an idea or also had the same issue I would be more than happy to hear from you! Also if @basnijholt you are reading this and you have an idea that would be amazing.

You can try using adaptive lightning service to turn the light on instead of simple turn on.

What service would that be??

I only see these…

I only have 5 Z2M lights - 2 Tuya light controllers and 3 Sengled bulbs. I will pay closer attention to them tonight to see if they are adapting or not.

Question: For the lights not adapting, has manual control become activated in AL?

Apply service with data property turn_on_lights set to yes