Home Assistant has its own basic ZWave configuration UI, but sometimes you just want OZWCP. I ran into this desire recently, and after getting sick of swapping my controller between my laptop and my Hass.io box, I built an OZWCP plugin for Hass.io.
The main caveat here is that OZWCP and Home Assistant’s ZWave support can’t both be running at the same time. The plugin will stop Home Assistant before starting OZWCP, but it’s up to you to stop OZWCP before starting Home Assistant again.
Some would say nothing, it’s just a different (and to some easier to use) interface.
One thing I’ve found that HA can’t do is configuring OpenZWave scenes (which I only recently learned are unfortunately not hardware scenes). I’ve also read elsewhere in the forum that there are some configuration elements for nodes that don’t show up in HA.
It can definitely take a few seconds to start up. If it’s not up after about a minute, start Hass.io again and look for logs on the add-on’s page (same one where you clicked “start”; should be at the bottom). If there’s literally nothing there, maybe also check the “system tab” of the “Hass.io” section.
@Rink76 I suspect your issue is because your Z-Wave stick shows up under a different name than mine did. I pushed a fix just now as v1.0.2 of the add-on; give a try and let me know if that does it for you!