New add on: openwakeword-rhasspy

Add-on for waking a Rhasspy 2.5 server using GitHub - dscripka/openWakeWord: An open-source audio wake word (or phrase) detection framework with a focus on performance and simplicity.

Seems to perform a little bit better than porcupine with false activations, although it does use a little more CPU.

I hope to add support for specifying a custom verifier model to further reduce false activations.

This is great! Do you have any tips on how to get this into HA?

I have Piper and Whisper set up? Both as Docker containers and added manually via the Wyoming integration. However with openwakeword, the server is never found, my config is:

        container_name: openwakeword
        image: rhasspy/wyoming-openwakeword
        - /home/g/docker/config/openwakeword:/data
        - /home/g/docker/config/openwakeword:/custom
        - "12202:12202/udp"
        - TZ=Europe/London
        command: --preload-model 'ok_nabu' --custom-model-dir /custom
        restart: unless-stopped

Whenever I try to use the same IP as Whisper and Piper and port 10400 or 12202, it is not found. Do you have any tips?