New Addon: HTML5 Speedtest

Hi all,

Go gentle this is my first attempt at creating an addon.

This is simply a direct conversion of the docker image for adolfintel/speedtest.

Its a simple HTML5 based speedtest, that can be used to test either your internet speed, or the local network speed around your house.
I use it mainly for checking wireless link speeds as its a bit more user friendly than something such as iperf.

It supports ingress (I think? it works over ingress?) or is accessible directly on the port of your choosing. (default 8081)

Just add the repo to your hassio and install the addon.

Let me know if you have any issues or ideas !


Does this expose services and sensors to home assistant for use in automation?

No, there’s already integration for that.

Not sure this is relevant to my post, but I’m aware of this, I don’t like it’s playful interface.

My post is a hassio add-on, so it’s easier for less experienced users who don’t know how or are too scared to touch docker.

The builtin integration does add sensors but does not require touching docker. It is built in to Home Assistant and takes manual entries to be added to configuration.yaml. Keep in mind that RaspberryPi will limit your recorded speed as will Hassio on a VM as hyper-visors can obfuscate bottlenecks in virtual switching. This solution and the built in one will really only ever show speed rates from their perspective not the network egress speed. For that you need to do it on the router. I use Unifi to get a real interface rate and speedtest results from the cloudkey and I find them far more accurate than anything I have done from a host in the network. Keep in mind that iperf is built into the Unifi router. That’s the convenience addon i really want to see for Hassio… :slight_smile:

Either way this is a nice addon. Thanks for sharing!

Home Assistant documentation

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hey so this is interesting, I had been running this through regular docker for months, but after converting to an addon I didnt pay attention to the test results, just that it ran. I just realied though, that via ethernet, its only getting <100mbps results when its running as an addon, while at the same time running directly as a docker container on the SAME HOST i get the correct results…

Here it is on hassio

and here it is on the SAME HOST but not through hassio

why the heck is the one running as an addon being so limited in performance…

update: figured it out, its limited when run through the HA UI, dont understand why its affected so much, but I might remove the ingress support as its kinda defeating the purpose of the addon…

Found a bug !

If the addon removes ingress support while the ‘Show in Sidebar’ is selected, it gets stuck in the sidebar with no way to remove it! It no longer functions with a ‘Unable to connect to ingress’ error