[New Addon] Snap-Shipper - Webdav and S3 backups (and probably other ways to later on)

It’s currently broken due to a unannounced and un documented breaking change to the supervisor.
I currently have no good way of fixing this, if the devs ever decide to fix the config validation i’ll probably get this working again but i wouldn’t hold my breath.

I feel backup is such an crucial feature, what can we do to align this a bit?

The basics like schedule and stuff should from my perspective be part of homeassistant itself “just” mounting different drivers is the challenge I see

Just checking in to see if this is working again.

It says this is an addon, but I can’t seem to get the repository to add to my addon store.
I tried adding:

https://github.com/ HBDK/ Snap-Shipper/ blob/ main/ repository.json


https://github.com /HBDK/ Snap-Shipper/

without the extra spaces. (I wanted to show the plaintext links)

Both come up as invalid Add-On repositories. I think I’m missing something.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Nevermind. After refreshing my browser, The second option worked…Going to see if this Addon works now…

Did it work?

I could not get it working and gave up after a bit. I have not returned to it to see if it’s been updated or anything.

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Hey there, i really love to see your work on this and i would heavily be interested in using it as a filestore server for my zotero files - is there any way to get this done with your approach here?
