is it trivial/easy/difficult/impossible to get the alexa component working with the new authentication system? i’m using the alexa component but don’t have the new auth system enabled yet. i don’t know much about it, so i’m asking preemptively.
It is too early to answer your question, so far we have not implement new auth for external usage, and we provided “legacy API password” auth provider to keep all current system running.
For anyone that finds this because the new system has broken their alexa component…
I had to do the following (I run behind an NGINX reverse proxy).
Enable the legacy_api_password auth provider in configuration.yaml
- type: homeassistant
- type: legacy_api_password
Set the api password in configuration.yaml so it points to secret.yaml (you can use any variable name you like):
api_password: !secret http_password
In secrets.yaml I have (note no speech marks):
http_password: <PASSWORD>
In my NGINX config I had to set (note the speech marks they are important:
proxy_set_header x-ha-access "<PASSWORD>";
Hope that helps.
If you are running on latest version of Home Assistant, you don’t need the entire section of auth_providers:
. HA will auto load auth_provider according your http configuration.
I can’t get the API_PASSWORD working with the Alexa Alexa Flash Briefing.
The https://YOUR_HOST/api/alexa/flash_briefings/BRIEFING_ID?api_password=YOUR_API_PASSWORD
is just returning “401: Unauthorized” all the time. And the legacy API_PASSWRD is working fine to access the web UI so it is properly setup in configuration.yaml
Any idea what the problem could be?
Thank you!