I’d like to share my experience with switching from old-style Broadlink platform to the new integration.
- I spent huge amount of time trying to figure why one of my Broadlink boxes does not sent IR codes. Turns out it somehow became toggled “off”. Can I ask why do we even have this option for remotes? I can see how it can work for smart power outlets, but why would I ever want to switch the remote off?
Also - seemingly due to connectivity issues, the remotes (Broadlink RM3) sometimes toggle themselves “off” somehow.
Can’t quite explain it, but I had two very old RM Pro boxes (ones with built in temp. sensor) - which both got bricked after the update to new HA integration. All simply refuse to connect or get reconfigured via the broadlink phone app. One newer RM Pro (sans temp. sensor) kept on working.
Got one very old “black bean” RM3. It works, for a while, until it does not. Just drops off and stops responding to pings. I am blaming this on bugs in old Broadlink firmwares, but can’t upgrade (and it never happened before the new integration)
Just my 2c. Would love to hear how to prevent broadlink remotes from being toggled “off” in HA (maybe I need an automation that turns them “on” if they are “off” ?)