New custom component: Nextbike

As long as the citybikes component and API doesn’t support free-floating areas/bikes I will maintain this custom component integrating the Nextbike API:


Hi @syssi. Thanks for creating this component which I found today via HACS.
I can add a sensor according to your sample code on Git.
But unfortunately I fail on creating sensors with city id: 6

Any idea how to fix this:

  - platform: nextbike
    name: Nextbike Test
    city_id: 6
    latitude: 49.4479
    longitude: 11.0814
    radius: 800

It looks like the city_ids has changed. Nuenberg (VAG_RAD) is city_id 626.

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Works! Thanks for your help and for this component.

I’ve updated the list of city ids and added a hint how to lookup new cities.

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Thanks a lot for this component, its really great!

I just integrated it in my home assistance instance like so:

  - platform: nextbike
    name: Nextbike Radius Home 150
    city_id: !secret nextbike_city
    latitude: !secret nextbike_lat
    longitude: !secret nextbike_lon
    radius: 150

  - binary_sensor:
    - name: Nextbike Closest Bike
      icon: mdi:bike
      state: >
        {% if states('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150') | float > 0 %} on {% endif %}
        latitude: >
          {% if states('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150') | float > 0 %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150', 'closest_latitude') }}
          {% else %}
            {{ state_attr('zone.home', 'latitude') }}
          {% endif %}
        longitude: >
          {% if states('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150') | float > 0 %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150', 'closest_longitude') }}
          {% else %}
            {{ state_attr('zone.home', 'longitutde') }}
          {% endif %}
        bike: >
          {{ state_attr('sensor.nextbike_radius_home_150', 'closest_bikes') }}

I thought it would be great to have a little map with the nearest bikes. So when I leave my house, all I have to do is look at my wall mounted tablet to know how far away and in which direction the nearest bike is. To do this, I created a binary_sensor. This is on when a bike is closer than 150 meters from my house. On a small Lovelace map I can then see where it is:


I would be happy if you could integrate this function into this great component. Maybe you can geolocate the next 5 bikes via sensors and show them on the map!

Unfortunately I don’t know py-scripting that well :confused:


Could you create an issue here?

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