New Custom Component to let the lights follow the days brighness and your circadian rythm

I thought I’d publish my custom component flux++, which is heavily based on the Flux Light Adjustment in Home Assistant.


  • Lights that have their color changed manually will not be updated
  • New service ‘force_update’ to have all lights in the Flux++ switch which are turned on participate in the future updates again
  • New functionality to listen for newly turned on slights that are part of the Flux++ switch. Newly turned on lights will be updated to the flux color and participate in future updates
  • New conf parameter init_on_turn_on to define if newly turned on lights shall participate and be reset to the flux color or not
  • It is now possible to call the ‘force_update’ service specifying one or more entity_ids of the lights that should be updated. If no entities are given, all lights in the flux switch will be updated

I have only been able to test this on Philips Hue bulbs, so I’d love feedback from users of other hardware on bugs.

Hope someone can use this: