New Customize config - confused

So, recent updates completely broke my setup so i’ve been messing with things for weeks now!

I’ve finally got to a point where my lighting switches again, but all entities are named differently so none of my customize configs are applied (for friendly names and such).

Previously i used OZWCP to name all my devices, and copied this XML into the HA folder (as i read in an original doc somewhere). However, HA isn’t picking this up it seems anymore.

I have tried inputting the zwave node names into the customize file, but HA UI is showing me names that i haven’t even set anywhere…

Changed example:

# Lounge Left Light
  friendly_name: Lounge Left Light
  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: Lounge Rear
  hidden: true
  emulated_hue: false
  hidden: true
  emulated_hue: false
  hidden: true
  emulated_hue: false

Unchanged example:

# Lounge Right Light
  friendly_name: Lounge Right Light
  emulated_hue: true
  emulated_hue_name: Lounge Front
  hidden: true
  hidden: true
  hidden: true

For the example i’ve changed it does have an impact, the entity ID is now “light.lounge_left_light_level_10_0” but that wasn’t even my intention. Now in the UI i see “lounge_left_light Level”

This is how it looks in the UI, the friendly name doesn’t match?

What the hell is going on!?!?

I can make all types of suggestions, but you will probably have to (1) backup the zwcfg*.xml file that is in the HA directory (2) restore a backup of that file to see if your names return. If you open the zwcfg*.xml file in the HA directory and the names and locations are gone, you will have to restore so that you do not spend hours troubleshooting… Alternatively, you can use the new zwave console and start renaming your devices back to what they were (yes, a pain)…

@BendedArrow So you are saying HA could have messed with my zwcfg* file?

I don’t mind moving everything over to HA from this XML file, but i had a little look and couldn’t see where the rename feature added data. I would prefer to rename them manually via DB or whatever the process is, using the UI didn’t do anything when i pressed rename as a test. Also its not clear if this is a “friendly name” as there are no docs for it.

If you do rename in HA, you need to restart HA for it take effect.

You can edit the zwcfg***.xml file and edit the name= field but you need to shut down HA before doing that, because HA does a write to the zwcfg***.xml file when it shuts down…

Whether you do a rename in HA or manually in the file, HA will tack on stuff like _light, burglar and _entityID# after you restart HA. You will still end up doing “customize” to make things look better, but at least to start out, your entity IDs will at least begin with a name you gave it.

Then i don’t see the point at all, why wouldn’t i just use the full device ID and give it a friendly name?

The point is in my original post i show that i tried this, but the friendly name didn’t work as you can see in the screenshot.

@BendedArrow So i checked OZWCP again as this may be the way to stick with for now if people are still suggesting it.

However, all my device naming and locations have disappeared. The zwcfg* XML file is still in the directory, but it seems its not being picked up or something, have you ever experienced this? I really don’t want to try and figure out what all the devices are again!