Changed all customize entries to meet the new format:
- entity_id: sensor.hallway_thermostat_operation_mode
friendly_name: 'Mode'
And they are not being recognize / picked up. Anyone played with this yet?
I am on 0.37.0
Changed all customize entries to meet the new format:
- entity_id: sensor.hallway_thermostat_operation_mode
friendly_name: 'Mode'
And they are not being recognize / picked up. Anyone played with this yet?
I am on 0.37.0
Remove the single quotes from the friendly_name. That part hasn’t changed.
I’ll try that, although I had the quotes before the entity_id update so not sure if that has been removed all together… will report back.
Yeah, no luck removing the quotes.
customize: !include_dir_merge_named customize
- entity_id: sensor.hallway_thermostat_operation_mode
friendly_name: Mode
- entity_id: sensor.hallway_thermostat_humidity
friendly_name: Humidity
icon: mdi:water-percent
I’ve never used quotes in the friendly_name and I don’t see any examples of it in the docs so that’s the same no matter which version you’re using.
Try this; copy your sensor.yaml (i’m assuming it just has the two entries that you showed here) file to customize.yaml. Then do a simple include:
customize: !include customize.yaml
If it works, there may be a problem in your include directive or maybe in the new version’s interpretation of it.
Yep, that seems to work. So I’m playing with formatting of each of files within the customize folder to see if it is a format issue or if there is a bug with the !include_dir_merge_named for the new customize format.
is intended for dictionaries
For lists use include_dir_merge_list
Ahh, perfect. That did it. Thanks for the clarification.