New DaikinOne+ Thermostat Integration

Have you all seen this site?

Yeah, I posted it on one of the issues. It’s not very comprehensive. At least not yet. Good to see they’re finally opening up, though.

I’m a new HA user, and have been enjoying this integration.

I can’t get it working with Scenes or Automations (could be missing something obvious).

I noticed on the GitHub page under “TODO” it says:

“Fix services - not sure what I’m doing wrong, it looks to me the same as the ecobee”

I’m not clear what this means, and if it might be causing some of my issues?

I fixed the services a while back. I guess I forgot to remove that from the README. All the thermostat and daikin services should work properly. Post your automation and maybe someone can help.

Any thoughts would be helpful in getting a new HA user up and running with this integration!


I’d like to add the Daikin thermostat into a scene.

I can add other climate devices (Sensibo units to control mini splits) and have them work correctly.

I can’t seem to add the Daikin One+ thermostat.

What I’m doing: I create a scene. I see the Daikin thermostat under “entity”. I can click on it and configure it. But when I try to run it I get two onscreen popup errors:

Failed to call service scene/apply.

Failed to call service scene/turn_on.


I’m more lost on this. I’m using the visual editor interface.

I find the thermostat under “Condition, State” and select it as an entity. I tried entering the temperature under “state”.

The YAML code is:

condition: state

entity_id: climate.2nd_floor

state: '70'
**Debug info:**

Executed: January 2, 2022, 9:26:56 PM


result: false


Executed: January 2, 2022, 9:26:56 PM


result: false

state: heat

wanted_state: '70'

I’m sure I’m missing something obvious…

It looks like we have to add support for scenes. Please add an issue on the github so we can take a look at implementing it. I guess you’re the first person who’s tried to use them, so I didn’t realize it didn’t work.

The issue with your automation is that you’re trying to use the temperature, which is not the state; it’s an attribute. Go to Developer Tools > States and it’ll show you what is available under your climate.2nd_floor entity.

This thread may help for triggering on attributes: Automation trigger on attribute change

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Has anyone noticed the estimated power usage being off by about a factor of ten?

As much as I’d like to think my heat pump can keep my house warm in -20C weather with a mere 3 kWh/day, I know my insulation isn’t that good. :slight_smile:

Hi Brandon,

Are you monitoring both your outdoor unit and indoor unit for consumption? I’ve got GreenEye CTs on both, I live on the West Coast of Canada in an older house. I re-insulated the main attic this past Fall to R28 (was a mix of R12/R7), my heat pump only services my main floor however. I don’t have GreenEye integrated with HA properly yet as I’m waiting on the revamped integration to be complete. I do have it presenting total consumption entities to HA, they just don’t show up in the Energy portion of HA yet. The past 24 hours look like this for me:

My indoor unit (air handler) is an FXTQ36 which is capable of 40,000 BTU of heating and my outdoor unit is an RSXQ48 (49,000BTU).

Do these numbers help you rationalize your power factor at all? Outdoor temperature has been:

I have an IotaWatt sitting at the post office, so I’m hoping I’ll soon be able to get some proper measurements to compare to what the DaikinOne+ is telling me. But your graphs match up well with what I think is going on: the web api reporting decawatts instead of plain watts.

I’m in Nova Scotia, and my One+ is managing my whole-home Fit (DZ17VSA301AA outdoor, DV36FECC14 indoor) 30k BTU unit.

Looking at the past 24h, If I straight multiply the wattages reported I end up with:

I won’t know for sure until I get the clamps on, but it looks like a good start.

Just got this component installed this week after an equipment upgrade switched me from Ecobee to One+. I’m still trying to figure out what is useful vs chaff in the One+ supplied data.

Do any of the sensors tell me the systems’ current state? I want to be able to track how often it turns on and for how long, and over the course of the year how long is it in cool vs heat.

The state tells you the state. There are also attributes that tell you the load for heating and cooling. Some units show power consumption as well.

Has something changed since this was released? I recently got a DaikinOne+ thermostat doesn’t seem to show up anywhere (no error logs), and I can’t add it to the skyportcloud. The thermostat seems to be only pairable with the phone app.

It still uses an older integration method, so you will only see the entities. No integration under Integrations, or devices under Devices. If you’ve configured it properly in your configuration.yaml and you’re not seeing any errors, you should have some entities.

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I’ve been looking for it in Config > Devices & Services > Entities and they haven’t appeared.

The only thing in the log for ‘daikinskyport’ is the expected “We found a custom integration daikinskyport which has not been tested by Home Assistant”

I’m looking through the docs & code, when I try to hit the endpoint with the proper header, it returns an empty array. This is kind of expected because my thermostat doesn’t show up in
I can’t get my thermostat added there, it simply doesn’t have the option anywhere? When I try to add a thermostat using the ‘6 digit code’ the thermostat gives, it fails. It does mention the app on the thermostat, nothing about Skyport.

Do I need to add my One+ thermostat to Skyport for this to work? If so, how?


Courtesy of a sensor template and the new history-explorer-graph card, I was able to create the tracker I wanted. If anyone needs an example, I documented what I did here:

I think I’m having the same issue. What is the difference between skyport cloud and the DaikinOneHome app? I think you and I are having the same issue here…

I did create a skyport account, but, since I already paired my thermostat with my phone app (which in the thermostat it says online account) it doesn’t seem like I can also now pair it with skyport cloud. Because in order to do this I have to get the 6 digit code which I don’t think I can without unpairing it from my app. And if I had to choose I’d choose the app for wife factor…


similar issue and unsure how to address, have you logged an issue in the GitHub?

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Hey SmartKyle,

I just wanted to tell you that I just installed and I was initially having your problem, but then it eventually worked. I just wanted you to know that a fellow newbie was successful. I feel like the Daikin cloud services were really slow to initially connect with my thermostat, so I would try time and a couple of restarts, mine seemed to just magically work after a few days.

Thanks everyone who worked on this, the ability to know that I could integrate my new Daikin Fit heat pump was a big comfort for when I had it installed, and this forum gave me that confidence.


This integration does not use Daikin’s OpenAPI; it was reverse engineered from their Android app. I don’t think the OpenAPI has all the same info you can get from the app’s API. It’s at least not documented. The OpenAPI should work just fine, though. I registered a token, but never actually used it since this still works fine.

The integration daikinskyport is using the deprecated forecast attribute. getting this on the latest version of HA

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