New DaikinOne+ Thermostat Integration

Never mind guys, I just restarted the HA server and it came up quick this time without any warnings and I see my thermostat automatically loaded into the dashboard, not sure what the issue was but everything seems to be working fine.

This is really slick, great work Adam! I truly appreciate what you’ve done here, this was the last piece to getting everything at my smart home integrated with HA, much respect!

Now to get a custom dashboard made for my tablet!



If one of you could put an issue on the github stating the problem and current workaround, that would be good. Really, I should be migrating everything out of the configuration.yaml, but I just don’t have the time to do it. I keep hoping someone else will step up to help out. The thermostat is still pretty new, so there probably aren’t many people using it yet.

Does anyone here running a multi-zoned system? I’ve got two DaikinOne+ thermostats hooked up to the same HVAC system but only one of them detects the HVAC hardware. My installer called a Daikin Field Engineer at the time and the latter seemed to assure him this was fine. I’m wondering what other people see the same thing or all their thermostats actually see the HVAC.

One of the problems with my setup is that one thermostat reports the compressor serial number but the other (that can’t see the system) does not. If this is considered a normal/expected set up then I can’t think of a way to find out whether different thermostats are hooked up to the same system. Any ideas?

Do you have more than one outdoor unit? If not, just associate them with the same location in the app and they’ll show up together in the API. You can probably create multiple locations if you have multiple units.

After doing that, if you can post the output from the API commands in the github, it’d be good so we can see how it all works. Just make sure to sanitize passwords and tokens.

Is there something not working with the integration?

Everything works fine. I was just wondering how (from a server message perspective) we can differentiate between four thermostats in the same location belonging to the same outdoor unit vs each pair belonging to a separate outdoor unit.

I’ve got a single outdoor unit and in my experience, the primary thermostat can see the outdoor unit while the secondary unit does not. If there are two secondary units, I have no way of knowing which thermostat belongs to which outdoor unit. Do you see anything in the server response that would enable us to differentiate between the two?

As you configure your thermostats, you can name them (mine is named downstairs for example). I think that name is available in the API. I can’t remember if I used that to name them in the integration. Probably not since I was only dealing with one thermostat when I wrote it. You can use those names to figure out which thermostat is which. Does that help?

Sorry no. I’m asking from the point of view of software development, not from the point of view of an end-user.

If I was parsing the server response from Daikin’s servers and I wanted to detect which thermostats are linked to the same HVAC system, how would I do it? I can’t assume that all thermostat under the same location belong to the same HVAC system (as some homes have multiple systems per house). Assuming I can’t ask the owner this question and can’t deduce anything from the naming of the thermostats, is there a way to programmatically determine this information?

Probably not. It doesn’t sound like the thermostat itself knows what outdoor unit it is connected to and probably doesn’t care. Probe the API and see.

Setting this up for the first time – I see references to a daikinskyport.conf file, but no such file in the github repo. Can someone post the place to put that file, as well as expected contents? Thanks!

it gets created automatically

Ok… got it - I see the .conf file now, but I still don’t see the DaikinOne integration listed in my Home Assistant console yet. What did I miss??

The integration doesn’t show up anymore. I haven’t had a chance to update the integration with all the new HA stuff like a config flow. Your entities should still show up, though, I believe. Mine do, but there is no integration or device shown.

Gotcha – I do not see any entities showing up for Daikin. No errors or anything either. Anything else I can do/try to force them to show up?

I apologize for my daftness - I’m new to Home Assistant and fumbling my way through it all.

Does anyone know if this integration still works? I was able to add the integration through HACS, and I see a whole bunch of sensor entities for my thermostat, and one weather entity, but I do not have a climate entity. There is also an error in the logs I’m not sure what to do with:

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: custom_components/daikinskyport/
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:14:36 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:14:36 PM

Error while setting up daikinskyport platform for climate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 52, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/daikinskyport/", line 213, in setup_platform
    devices = [
  File "/config/custom_components/daikinskyport/", line 214, in <listcomp>
    Thermostat(data, index)
  File "/config/custom_components/daikinskyport/", line 377, in __init__
    if self.thermostat["ctSystemCapEmergencyHeat"] or (self.thermostat["ctOutdoorNoofHeatStates"] > 0):
KeyError: 'ctOutdoorNoofHeatStates'

Any suggestions? Thanks!

It looks like your thermostat doesn’t have the ctOutdoorNoofHeatStates key in the JSON that’s returned from the API, which I expect to be there. Can you open an issue on the github and I’ll handle it there?

Right on, I just opened a github issue. If I wasn’t clear enough let me know and I’ll provide more info there. Thanks!

Months later, and this may not matter to you any more, but you can check the P1P2OutdoorUnitSerialNumber of each of your devices to find the ones that are connected to the same outdoor unit.

Unfortunately this doesn’t work in my case. I’m getting:


from the Daikin One+ thermostats.

Not configured in the panel settings? It was supposed to be. You can set it at the panels using dealer edit (secret code is the last 4 of the MAC address). Once set, it’ll show up in the API.

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I’ve gone into dealer edit before, but I don’t recall seeing this information anywhere. Do you happen to remember which sub-menu it’s in?