New DaikinOne+ Thermostat Integration

Just got this component installed this week after an equipment upgrade switched me from Ecobee to One+. I’m still trying to figure out what is useful vs chaff in the One+ supplied data.

Do any of the sensors tell me the systems’ current state? I want to be able to track how often it turns on and for how long, and over the course of the year how long is it in cool vs heat.

The state tells you the state. There are also attributes that tell you the load for heating and cooling. Some units show power consumption as well.

Has something changed since this was released? I recently got a DaikinOne+ thermostat doesn’t seem to show up anywhere (no error logs), and I can’t add it to the skyportcloud. The thermostat seems to be only pairable with the phone app.

It still uses an older integration method, so you will only see the entities. No integration under Integrations, or devices under Devices. If you’ve configured it properly in your configuration.yaml and you’re not seeing any errors, you should have some entities.

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I’ve been looking for it in Config > Devices & Services > Entities and they haven’t appeared.

The only thing in the log for ‘daikinskyport’ is the expected “We found a custom integration daikinskyport which has not been tested by Home Assistant”

I’m looking through the docs & code, when I try to hit the endpoint with the proper header, it returns an empty array. This is kind of expected because my thermostat doesn’t show up in
I can’t get my thermostat added there, it simply doesn’t have the option anywhere? When I try to add a thermostat using the ‘6 digit code’ the thermostat gives, it fails. It does mention the app on the thermostat, nothing about Skyport.

Do I need to add my One+ thermostat to Skyport for this to work? If so, how?


Courtesy of a sensor template and the new history-explorer-graph card, I was able to create the tracker I wanted. If anyone needs an example, I documented what I did here:

I think I’m having the same issue. What is the difference between skyport cloud and the DaikinOneHome app? I think you and I are having the same issue here…

I did create a skyport account, but, since I already paired my thermostat with my phone app (which in the thermostat it says online account) it doesn’t seem like I can also now pair it with skyport cloud. Because in order to do this I have to get the 6 digit code which I don’t think I can without unpairing it from my app. And if I had to choose I’d choose the app for wife factor…


similar issue and unsure how to address, have you logged an issue in the GitHub?

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Hey SmartKyle,

I just wanted to tell you that I just installed and I was initially having your problem, but then it eventually worked. I just wanted you to know that a fellow newbie was successful. I feel like the Daikin cloud services were really slow to initially connect with my thermostat, so I would try time and a couple of restarts, mine seemed to just magically work after a few days.

Thanks everyone who worked on this, the ability to know that I could integrate my new Daikin Fit heat pump was a big comfort for when I had it installed, and this forum gave me that confidence.


This integration does not use Daikin’s OpenAPI; it was reverse engineered from their Android app. I don’t think the OpenAPI has all the same info you can get from the app’s API. It’s at least not documented. The OpenAPI should work just fine, though. I registered a token, but never actually used it since this still works fine.

The integration daikinskyport is using the deprecated forecast attribute. getting this on the latest version of HA

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I am trying to get this working and am getting the 400 error in the logs.

I have used the curl commands at

and the “get bearer token” does return a token.

Everything else i have tried there returns:


Anyone have any ideas? I created the skyport account but no info there. So not sure.



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Having the same issue “{“message”:“Unauthorized”}”. However I don’t think the skyport account is valid for the One+ remotes…created one as well, however its separate from the onecloud account and none of the info on that site matches with the One+ menu structure.

Can you provide more information on the One+ Remote you’re talking about?

Daikin One+ (screen + big silver dial): on the thermostat: Model: ONEPLUS, software version: v.2.8.2

That’s the same thermostat, so it should work. Some have said it takes a couple days for their account to work after creating it. If you can sniff the network traffic for the app, you can see if something has changed. Look for DNS queries from the app and see where it’s trying to hit.

yeah saw that mentioned as well, which might explain why my wife was unable to login to the app on her phone while mine worked directly (first after install). Then again not really seeing the logic why there would be a wait as it’s the same connection. Anyways thanks for responding back and providing this solution if you are running the same thermostat it will likely work (eventually!).

After reading some more of the messages I am starting the wondering if waiting is not a solution. If response times at OneCloud is an indication there shouldn’t be an issue as I have changed the login at the thermostat today and re-added the app at several phones and app is updating thermostat without any delay (wife issue was password!). Really like to understand what software version the people run at the thermostat that are currently having the “Unauthorized” when doing the curl with the bearer message OR if there are any folks running the latest version of software on the thermostat without login issues?

I have the same version and it works fine for me. Without any information on how your app is accessing the API, there’s not much I can do to troubleshoot the integration. It’s possible they’ve changed something and mine’s using a legacy interface. I got one of the first thermostats out there and never needed to create a skyport account. You set up the skyport account with the same username and password, right? Have you tried rebooting the thermostat? I have a feeling there are two methods the app uses to connect and it tries skyport first and goes to the other if that fails.

Maybe not having matching user/pass at SkyPort cloud is where the issue lies, however didn’t think that was related as it seems to be for different thermostat than the One+. As the user+password that I use on the thermostat to connect to the OneCloud successfully gets a bearer token made me think that is the only “cloud” needed, however maybe there is some backend connection between the two…so matched up the username + passwords…guess we wait now as its not working yet :wink: