New DaikinOne+ Thermostat Integration

Looking at some of the update release notes, they may require a file in the component directory now. I’ll have to take a look and see. You might want to try loading an old version of home-assistant and see if you can install the component, then upgrade. It’s working for me still with the latest 0.109.6.

Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration daikinskyport: No module named 'custom_components.daikinskyport.config_flow'

Setting config_flow to false in daikinskyport/manifest.json helped me to work around this issue.

I’ve created a pull request to address the missing config_flow error.

In the meantime, you can update the manifest.json to the following to resolve the error.

"config_flow": false,

So out of curiosity, did anyone have any success reaching out to Daikin on this topic? I couldn’t even get them to get back to me on bug reports, not to mention discussing API development. Anyone have better luck?


Out of curiosity, how did you wireshark the auth process? Were you snooping on the mobile app or the thermostat itself? I ask because I noticed they use HTTPS and as far as I’m aware you cannot decrypt it unless you somehow insert yourself in the middle. I know you can decrypt the app communication, but how about the thermostat? It doesn’t seem to accept any sort of proxy configuration.


First of all thanks for the development of this feature. Just tried to install this on a brand new setup. I have created manually custom_components folder within config directory but unfortunately I get that error message:

Component error: daikinskyport - Integration ‘daikinskyport’ not found.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again

I did everything through the app. I set up Fiddler and added it as the proxy for an Android emulator running the app. It’s a great tool. Shows everything nice and formatted. I’ve documented most of the API on my github.

No, I tried reaching out a few times, which is why I just went off and reverse engineered the API. It’s mostly self-explanatory. Check out the github I put together.

Very cool. Thank you!

Total noob here, just installed Home Assistant in Docker on my Synology NAS and I’m trying to get this working. I have a Daikin One+ Thermostat, I’m in Canada if that matters, I downloaded your code and added the lines to my configuration.yaml file and copied the daikinskyport folder to the custom_components folder. I’ve never added any code to .yaml files but I think I did it right, I also didn’t have a custom_components folder so I manually created the folder.

When I boot up Home Assistant server I get the following errors in the logs:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 1:52:57 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:52:57 PM

Unable to find services.yaml for the daikinskyport integration


Logger: daikinskyport
Source: custom_components/daikinskyport/
First occurred: 1:52:49 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:52:49 PM

Error while requesting tokens from Status code: 400

Any help would be greatly appreciated, maybe some more detailed instructions for us noobs? I’d be willing to email you a few bucks if we can get it working LOL



Hi Ted,

I had the same issues with my Daikin One setup. I was able to get everything up and running by creating an account at this address --> with the same credentials use inside my DaikinOne account. Make sure to add the elements below inside your configuration.yaml and after a HA restart you should be good to go.

email: [email protected]
password: xxxxxxx

Hope that helps

Thanks for the quick response, I created an account at that website, using the same credentials for my DaikinOne+ (Logged out of Daikin App and logged back in to confirm correct credentials) but I am still getting the same errors. Do I need to setup my thermostat with that website as well?

I double checked my yaml and it looks correct but maybe I put the code in the wrong place, I dunno, here’s my whole configuration.yaml file:

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

email: ***************
password: **************


Can you please validate the directory structure in the custom_components folder.

In my case, I have created the custom_components folder and than extract all the files from the repo inside the daikinskyport directory. It now looks like this:

Again thanks for the quick reply, see my screenshot:

It looks like you’re missing the services.yaml file. I’m not sure why no one else has had this issue, but I added it to the repository. Drop it in the daikinskyport folder and see if that fixes it.

Thanks Adam! That fixed one of the two errors but I am still getting:

Logger: daikinskyport
Source: custom_components/daikinskyport/
First occurred: 6:35:45 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:35:45 PM

Error while requesting tokens from Status code: 400

Any other suggestions??? This is a fresh install of Home Assistant, do I need to install something else before adding custom componets? Do I need to use <> around my email address and password? I’ve tried with and without and it doesn’t seem to make a difference?

The YAML formatting is important. email and password must be indented as shown in the readme. If you have linux, you can try the commands in to see if your login info works. If that returns an error, it has to be something with your credentials or maybe Daikin uses a different URL for Canada like

I was having a similar 400 error to Ted and it turned out I had a typo in my password. Updating the configuration.yaml file didn’t take care of it though, I also had to update the daikinskyport.conf file in the same folder with the correction before it started working again. I’m also in Canada and can confirm it works here.

Thank you Dan! I think that’s my problem as well, when I set this up the first time I think I used the wrong password by accident and it was corrected in configuration.yaml but not in daikinskyport.conf.

Oddly I wasn’t able to edit the daikinskyport.conf file, any changes I made were not being saved. I made sure the server was off and nothing was in use but still couldn’t make edits to the file. I copied it out of the folder, made the edits and then copied it back, overwriting the existing file. This seems to work but then Home Assistant took a while to boot afterwards and I got some boot strap warnings in the log.

Once HA booted I couldn’t find any Daikin errors in the log but I also couldn’t find any Daikin devices. When this integration works does it just show up on your Overview page automatically or are there more steps involved? Since this is a fresh install I’m probably going to just blow it away and start over knowing what I know now but I would like to know, if I do the steps correctly, will everything just show up automatically?

Thanks everyone for the help!
