New DaikinOne+ Thermostat Integration

Is there an explanation/definition for the different data points?

For example, I’m curious as to the difference between indoor power and outdoor power, among others.

Some of the info is covered in the API document on my github and the one I link to. This is an undocumented interface, so it’s what we’ve gathered by playing around with things. Generally anything with indoor is the air handler/furnace/evaporator unit. Outdoor is the condenser/heatpump unit.

Thanks for this link! Seems to be a promising direction. I’ve completed the steps to activate the developer menu in the Android app. But I haven’t dared entering any name for an app to “register for open API development” yet until someone smarter than I knows the next steps.

Hi Adam, thanks for the awesome work on this.

After reading most of the threads I could find about Daikin, I got to this one.

I found their openapi page recently and am wondering if this is what this code is interacting with?

Here is my other message from a different post.


No, this is a closed API that their own software uses that has been reverse engineered. It’s much more robust than the OpenAPI one. The information that’s been gathered about the API is on my GitHub. When I made this integration the OpenAPI didn’t exist and I haven’t had any interest in switching to it since it’s very limited in comparison.

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Great, does that mean that I wouldn’t need the Daikin Cloud subscription? (Just making sure, that’s 60$ per year that I would be happy to skip if not needed).

Thanks again!

I think the subscription is for having your HVAC company monitor your system for issues.

I just got a Daikin Heat Pump Installed with a Daikin One+ thermostat and installed the integration (thanks for the hard work!) and am able to see the temperature data but am having trouble with all the other sensors reporting wrong/incorrect/static values. I saw the one message with the power reported as 65535 and I am seeing the same thing. I didn’t see a solution in the messages but was wondering if anyone managed to get the other sensors to work properly.


If you get a 65535 reading, it means your system doesn’t have that sensor. You can look at the API documentation on the github and poll your thermostat manually to see if there’s anything interesting that your system does have. If there isn’t a sensor for it already, we might be able to add one.

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WOW!. And I thought Nest was expensive. Seriously? $500 for a smart thermostat? What am I missing here?

I don’t think I paid that much for mine, but really there are only a couple options for a communicating thermostat. Nest only triggers 24V lines like any other standard thermostat. The newer Daikins and some other systems use a serial line to communicate with the equipment which is not supported by most thermostats. A lot more information is communicated between the system and thermostat than just on and off. There are multiple sensor readings, operating status, and setting fan and compressor settings for variable units.

So i just updated my key and did a full reboot and the thermostat is not loading into home assistant… Im going to try and delete the daikinskyport.conf file and re-enter everything to see if it will pull in

No dice still isnt pulling in, the daikinskyport.conf file came back and has a new Token… HOWEVER the token doesnt match the token if i request one from the app… so i plugged in the new token from my request via the app… trying reboot again

If you request a token in the app, it’s for the OpenAPI. The tokens should be different every time you request them anyway. Try going through the curl commands in the API info on my github and see if that works. That’ll at least verify the API is working.

Just added this to my home assistant and it works like a charm, I was struggling with the API trying to get it going but this is much better, thank you!

One question… Is there a way to set the Fan Speed through an automation? It works fine changing it from the thermostat entity but it won’t show up as an action to set. Basically, I want to make my system circulate air if the upstairs/downstairs temperatures get too different to help equalize.

You can use climate.set_fan_mode

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This integration is so important for our home setup. Thank you! Is there any donation option for the project?

I’ve been using this integration for a while now. There are a number of sensors that are reporting as unavailable. I’m particularly interested in the power monitoring sensors like: sensor.main_room_outdoor_power. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Probably not. Not all systems provide the power information. My suggestion for power that I’ve recently gotten is an Emporia Vue. They can be flashed with ESPHome and are pretty cheap. Install it in your panel and you can monitor up to 16 circuits. They’re likely more accurate, too.

It’s great to see my hackjob of an integration works well for so many people. I do not currently have any donation set up, but if you have a preference, I’ll take your money :joy:

Another question. Is there a way to use the properties of the integration in other visualizations and automations? I’m specifically interested in heating on/off and fan mode. Those don’t show up in the entities for the integrations.