New Dashboard I created for Work

Hi There Everyone,

It has been some almost 12 months actually could be even longer since I have posted anything here. I have been really busy with my work and turned my consulting into a business in the Automation and IoT space as many of you may already know.

This has consumed most of my time and to be honest my home automation hasn’t missed a trick in over a year. I have a commercial IoT platform built from an offering dev by Software Ag and have never thought about using HA for anything work related but I had a use case i thought I might like to try it on and have found myself with a bit of extra time due to the work from home environment we now found ourselves in.

I install IBC (In Building Cellular) DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) as part of my smart building offerings and have developed a way of remotely monitoring them and wanted to use HA as a dashboard for a proof of concept, i think it has come out pretty well and thought I would share it with the community incase they had any thoughts or ideas to improve.

I have not read any topics or updated hass since 97.0 so I’m sure there maybe alot more options out there as with anything this is for inspiration and will make the code availalble if anyone wishes to adapt anything from it.


Nice - using SNMP to monitor the mobile antenna systems?

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That part is a bit convoluted, they connect to an app via Bluetooth and report back to the manufacturer portal I then api into said portal for the vital information.