New dashboard: Visibility based on state attribute

Hey there,

I really enjoy the new sections view. The new option to choose which entity/section is visible under which circumstances is really handy. I would like to suggest, that the option of visibility based on entity state should be extended by state attributes.

In my case I would change visibility based on the active preset of my heating system.


  condition: state
  entity: climate.living_room
+ attribute: preset_mode
  state: eco

Thanks for all your hard work!

I also agree with this request.
It would be really VERY useful!
Thank you and congratulations

This would be awesome on so many levels. Right now I wish I had it to hide my Christmas lighting dashboard/view when it is not needed the rest of the year.

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Absolute no brainer to add this!

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Was just looking to do this today, +1 on it being added

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Same here ! need it +1

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