New device_class " Ball electrovalve (proportional)" for cover

Ball electrovalve can be perfectly modeled as a cover. It would be great to add this new device_class (icon, etc…) for opening and closing operations

Ideal for garden automatisation via HA

Opening device class already exists.

opening : on means open, off means closed

Unless it is a proportional valve.

Yes “sphere” electovalves (don’t know the exact english term) are proportional

P.S : Electric Motorized Thread Ball

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“Ball valve” would be the generic term.

Don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion.

Ok thanks so I will change title to “Ball valve” :slight_smile: Thanks for my own vote reminder :slight_smile:

Looking at the link you posted the valves don’t have positional feedback, so really are only binary open/closed not proportional. So the binary device class would do in this case.

I am playing the proportionalility with a Time cover based module since we can know the exact opening/closing time operations. By consequence I can open/close between 0-100% my water flow.