New devices discovered reminder

Is it possible to disable auto discovery of new devices completely?
I keep getting a reminder that new devices have been discovered and choosing cancel only helps unntil next restart.

Just delete or comment “discovery:” line in your configuration.yaml file

But first try this code. It solved the same issue for me due to UPnP components popping up at every restart.

    - igd
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I never have enabled discovery and hashtagged “discovery” in config.yaml
If I just use ignore on one domain I guess all others are discovered?

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That’s right

somenone has an answer to this?
Especially the reminder of the discovery of Google Cast would be nice to get rid of.
Dissabling zeroconf and ssdp in config.yaml does not help

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no one knows how to get rid of the “Google Cast” discovered reminder?
Discovery is not enabled in the config.yaml.

Having the same issue, discovery is not enabled yet I keep getting the alert. Very annoying.

I don’t know hot to get rid of the “Google Cast” discovered reminder?

There’s an issue about it on github, it’s been doing it since 0.95 apparently:

I hadn´t seen the issue on github.

Someone knows how to solve this issue. I still have the problem with 0.100.2

search for ‘discovery’ on the issues for homeassistant and you should find something.

Thanks for the hint.

Found and use this for now until it gets solved:

  - alias: 'Remove new devices notification'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: persistent_notification.config_entry_discovery
        to: notifying
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - service: persistent_notification.dismiss
          notification_id: config_entry_discovery

I tried copying and pasting this snippet into my configuration.yaml file and the editor didn’t like it.

It looks like sections begin with a dictionary work like this one for lights

`# light groups

  • platform: group
    name: Chandelier
    unique_id: “light.chandelier”
    • light.living_room_ceiling_lamp_1
    • light.living_room_ceiling_lamp_2
    • light.hue_ceiling_lamp_3
    • light.hue_ceiling_lamp_4
    • light.hue_ceiling_lamp_5
  • platform: group
    name: Ceiling Fan
    unique_id: “light.ceiling_fan”
    • light.bedroom_ceiling_fan_light_1
    • light.bedroom_ceiling_fan_light_2
    • light.bedroom_ceiling_fan_light_3
      What header/dictionary word would your snippet go under?

what made you think this would be a thread anywhere near the relevance of your question? Let alone this being a 3 year old post, you’d help yourself best looking for some Yaml guidance.

Hint: Your problem is setting a correct unique_id. there are tools for that online, but first please go to a correct topic.

Or create those groups in the UI