New devices exposed to Google Assistant unable to be used as routine starters

I previously had an input boolean that was used to trigger a google routine. For some unrelated issue, I decided that it might help to disconnect HA from Google and reconnect. Upon reconnecting, I can no longer use this input boolean as a starter for a routine. With further investigation, I found that new devices also cannot be used as a starter. I feel I’ve tried everything at this point, I’ve created a template switch, new input booleans, added new physical switches. No new devices are allowed to start Google routines.

Note that these new devices, input booleans, and template switches do show up as devices in the Google Home app, but they cannot be used as routine starters.

Anyone have any ideas on what else I could try?

I know I’m in the minority here when it comes to using HA to trigger something in Google Assistant, but using this method for notifications to Google Nest devices was previously the best way I found. I know there are other scripts and add-ons to try to trigger notifications, but I’ve found none of them to be as good as using the “Announce” feature from the Google Assistant routines.

Does anyone have any ideas here on how I can get this fixed?

Hey, have you found a solution for this? i’m currently searching all over for something

I was able to get it working using the automations at

  name: Driveway Gate Google Status # Choose a short name that summarizes important starters and actions, like “Sunset lights”.
  description: Scripted automation # Write a detailed description that includes everything the automation does, like “At sunset, on weekdays, close blinds, turn on lights to 50%, and play the sunset playlist on certain speakers.”

  # “starters” and “actions” are required; “conditions” are optional.
  # Use Ctrl + Space to see autocomplete suggestions.

  # ---- STARTERS ---- #
  # Starters describe events that will start the automation.
  # To add more than one starter, duplicate the "- type" section under "starters".
  # If you add multiple starter events, any one of them happening will start the automation.
  - starters:
      - type: device.state.OnOff # The basic on and off functionality for any device that has binary on and off, including plugs and switches as well as many future devices.
        state: on
        # Whether a device with an on/off switch is on or off. <code>true</code> if the device is on, <code>false</code> if the device is off. [available operators: is, isNot]
        is: true
        device: Driveway_Gate_Google_Status - Entryway

    # ---- ACTIONS ---- #
    # Actions will start when a starter event takes place and all conditions are met.
    # Actions will start in the order they appear in the script and with any delay specified.
    # To add more than one action, duplicate the "- type" section under "actions".
      - type: assistant.command.Broadcast
        message: Driveway gate is open
          - Game room speaker - Game room
          - Living Room speaker - Living Room
          - Master Bedroom speaker - Master Bedroom
          - Office speaker - Office